The Respiratory Inflammatory Response to the Swine Confinement Building Environment: The Adaptation to Respiratory Exposures in the Chronically Exposed Worker
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(3):185-196 . (doi: 10.13031/2013.13684) @2003
Authors: S. Von Essen, D. Romberger
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Evaluation of an Occupational Injury Intervention Among Wisconsin Dairy Farmers
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(3):197-209 . (doi: 10.13031/2013.13685) @2003
Authors: L. J. Chapman, A. D. Taveira, K. G. Josefsson, D. Hard
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The Relationship Between Agricultural Environments and Olfactory Dysfunction
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(3):211-219 . (doi: 10.13031/2013.13686) @2003
Authors: M. C. Snyder, D. A. Leopold, B. C. Chiu, S. G. Von Essen, N. Liebentritt
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An Exploratory Analysis of Occupational Skin Disease Among Latino Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in North Carolina
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(3):221-232 . (doi: 10.13031/2013.13687) @2003
Authors: T. A. Arcury, S. A. Quandt, B. G. Mellen
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Characteristics of Farm Injuries in Greece
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(3):233-240 . (doi: 10.13031/2013.13688) @2003
Authors: D. M. Alexe, E. Petridou, N. Dessypris, N. Skenderis, D. Trichopoulos
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Relative Safety of Traditional Agricultural Tractor Power Take–Off (PTO) Drivelines Compared to Fluid Power – A Review
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(3):233-250 . (doi: 10.13031/2013.13689) @2003
Authors: R. S. Thomas, D. R. Buckmaster
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