Static and Dynamic Performance Evaluation of a Solid-State LiDAR for 3D Object Detection in Greenhouse Spray Applications
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1367-1378. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15285) @2023
Authors: Zhihong Zhang, Jianing Long, Qinghui Lai, Qingmeng Zhu, Hao He, Ramón Salcedo, Tingting Yan
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Stereo Vision Controlled Variable Rate Sprayer for Specialty Crops: Part III. Effect of Travel Speeds on Spray deposition and Ground Loss
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1469-1479. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15699) @2023
Authors: Carla Román, Hongyoung Jeon, Heping Zhu, Erdal Ozkan, Javier Campos
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Estimating Battery Size Requirements for Tractor Electrification of Row-Crop Planting Operations
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1481-1496. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15556) @2023
Authors: CheeTown Liew, Andrew Donesky, Mark Freyhof, Ian Tempelmeyer, Santosh Kumar Pitla
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Effectiveness of Residue and Tillage Management on Runoff Pollutant Reduction from Agricultural Areas
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1341-1354. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15518) @2023
Authors: Laxmi R. Prasad, Anita M. Thompson, Francisco J. Arriaga, Lydia Koropeckyj-Cox, Yongping Yuan
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Controlling Nutrient Leaching Profile of Urea Granules through Structural Modification
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1415-1424. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15675) @2023
Authors: Camila Jange, Rhonda Graef, Chad Penn, Carl Wassgren, Kingsly Ambrose
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Inorganic Carbon-Limited Freshwater Algal Growth at High Ph: Revisited with Focus on Alkalinity
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1425-1435. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15411) @2023
Authors: Mary Katherine Watson, Elizabeth Flanagan, Caye M. Drapcho
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Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Environment: Effects on Crop Rotation with Dairy Manure Applications
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1449-1468. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15661) @2023
Authors: Anita Koehn, David Bjorneberg, L. Ma, April Leytem, Rob Malone, S. Kossi Nouwakpo, Zhiming Qi
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There is No Such Thing as a Quick Fix: Travel Times to Subsurface Drains
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1513-1525. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15505) @2023
Authors: Eileen Kladivko, Laura Bowling
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Automatic Management Zone Delineation For Center Pivot Variable Rate Irrigation Using Field Data
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1527-1545. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15528) @2023
Authors: Anh T. Nguyen, Allen L. Thompson, Kenneth A. Sudduth, Earl D. Vories
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Comparison of Two Tile-Drain Methods in SWAT via Temporal and Spatial Testing for an Iowa Watershed
Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(6): 1555-1569. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15534) @2023
Authors: Tassia Mattos Brighenti, Philip W. Gassman, Jeff Arnold, Jan Thompson
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