Transactions of the ASABE

Vol. 55 No.1 Return to Issues      Return to Publications Included January/February 2012


Development of an Instrumented Portable Soil Test Device that Measures Shear, Sinkage, and Friction Parameters of Soil in Situ
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 5-13. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41242) @2012
Authors:   L. O. Garciano, S. K. Upadhyaya, B. R. Jahn, R. A. Jones
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Investigation of the Wear Behavior of Martempered 30 MnB5 Steel for Soil Tillage
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 15-20. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41243) @2011
Authors:   A. Yazici
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Recovering Kiwifruit Pruning Residues for Biomass Production
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 21-28. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41244) @2012
Authors:   R. Spinelli, R. Spinelli, N. Magagnotti, C. Nati, L. Pari, J. L. Vanneste
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Model to Predict Spray Deposition in Citrus Airblast Sprayer Applications: Part 1. Spray Dispersion
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 29-39. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41245) @2011
Authors:   P. A. Larbi, M. Salyani
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Model to Predict Spray Deposition in Citrus Airblast Sprayer Applications: Part 2. Spray Deposition
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 41-48. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41246) @2012
Authors:   P. A. Larbi, M. Salyani
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Improved Calibration of Frequency Domain Reflectometry Probes for Volumetric Water Content Measurements of Three Media    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 51-60. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41254) @2011
Authors:   Y. Ting, C. Chen
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Sorption of Escherichia coli in Agricultural Soils Influenced by Swine Manure Constituents    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 61-71. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41255) @2012
Authors:   J. A. Guzman, G. A. Fox, C. J. Penn
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Implementation of Biopore and Soil Fecal Bacteria Fate and Transport Routines in the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM)    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 73-84. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41263) @2011
Authors:   J. A. Guzman, G. A. Fox
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Simulation of Liquid Movement in Soil Following Pocket Injection    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 85-92. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41256) @2011
Authors:   S. Ai, Y. Chen, Q. Zhang
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A Hybrid Approach to Modeling Sediment for Total Maximum Daily Load Development    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 93-98. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41257) @2011
Authors:   R. N. Brent
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Evaluation of Nutrient Concentrations in Runoff Water from Green Roofs, Conventional Roofs, and Urban Streams    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 99-106. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41258) @2012
Authors:   D. C. Toland, B. E. Haggard, M. E. Boyer
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Estimation of Optimal Biomass Removal Rate Based on Tolerable Soil Erosion for Single-Pass Crop Grain and Biomass Harvesting System    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 107-115. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41259) @2012
Authors:   M. Karkee, R. P. McNaull, S. J. Birrell, B. L. Steward
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Development and Application of a Modular Watershed-Scale Hydrologic Model Using the Object Modeling System: Runoff Response Evaluation    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 117-135. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41260) @2012
Authors:   J. C. Ascough II, O. David, P. Krause, G. C. Heathman, S. Kralisch, M. Larose, L. R. Ahuja, H. Kipka
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Determining Nutrient and Sediment Critical Source Areas with SWAT: Effect of Lumped Calibration    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 137-147. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41262) @2011
Authors:   R. Niraula, L. Kalin, R. Wang, P. Srivastava
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Effects of Crop Residue Removal on Soil Water Content and Yield of Deficit-Irrigated Soybean    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 149-157. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41266) @2012
Authors:   S. J. van Donk, T. M. Shaver, J. L. Petersen, D. R. Davison
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Denitrification Enzyme Activity in Swine Wastewater Effluent of a Nitrification/Denitrification Treatment System    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 159-165. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41265) @2012
Authors:   P. G. Hunt, T. A. Matheny, M. B. Vanotti, K. C. Stone, A. A. Szogi
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Technical Note: Flow and Nutrient Contributions from Groundwater to a Drainage Ditch in a Beef Cattle Ranch in the Lake Okeechobee Basin, Florida    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 167-174. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41253) @2012
Authors:   D. Goswami, S. Shukla, W. D. Graham
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Technical Note: Simulating the Surface Energy Balance in a Soybean Canopy with the SHAW and RZ-SHAW Models    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 175-179. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41261) @2012
Authors:   L. Ma, G. N. Flerchinger, L. R. Ahuja, T. J. Sauer, J. H. Prueger, R. W. Malone, J. L. Hatfield
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Technical Note: Nutrient Removal from Swine Wastewater by Growing Duckweed: A Pilot Study    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 181-185. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41264) @2012
Authors:   J. Xu, J. J. Cheng, A. M. Stomp
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Analysis of Stability and Type Independence of Three Density-Independent Calibration Functions for Microwave Moisture Sensing in Shelled and Unshelled Peanuts    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 189-198. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41235) @2012
Authors:   M. A. Lewis, S. Trabelsi, S. O. Nelson, E. W. Tollner
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An Engineering-Economic Model for Analyzing Dairy Plug-Flow Anaerobic Digesters: Cost Structures and Policy Implications    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 201-209. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41247) @2012
Authors:   C. R. Faulhaber, D. R. Raman, R. T. Burns
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Effect of Urease Inhibitor Application Rate and Rainfall on Ammonia Emissions from Beef Manure    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 211-218. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41248) @2011
Authors:   D. B. Parker, M. B. Rhoades, N. A. Cole, V. P. Sambana
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Effect of Bedding Material on Dust and Ammonia Emission from Broiler Houses    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 219-226. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41249) @2012
Authors:   J. van Harn, A. J. A. Aarnink, J. Mosquera, J. W. van Riel, N. W. M. Ogink
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Vegetative Environmental Buffers and Exhaust Fan Deflectors for Reducing Downwind Odor and VOCs from Tunnel-Ventilated Swine Barns    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 227-240. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41250) @2011
Authors:   D. B. Parker, G. W. Malone, W. D. Walter
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A Methodology for the Analysis of Dimensional Features of Traditional Rural Buildings to Implement the FarmBuiLD Model    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 241-248. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41251) @2012
Authors:   S. Benni, D. Torreggiani, E. Carfagna, G. Pollicino, E. Dall'Ara, P. Tassinari
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Runoff Nutrient Loads as Affected by Residue Cover, Manure Application Rate, and Flow Rate    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 249-258. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41252) @2012
Authors:   C. A. Thayer, J. E. Gilley, L. M. Durso, D. B. Marx
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Evaluation of Color Indices for Improved Segmentation of Plant Images    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 261-273. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41236) @2012
Authors:   M. R. Golzarian, M.-K. Lee, J. M. A. Desbiolles
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Discriminating among Cotton Cultivars with Varying Leaf Characteristics Using Hyperspectral Radiometry    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 275-280. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41237) @2012
Authors:   H. Zhang, L. L. Hinze, Y. Lan, J. K. Westbrook, W. Clint Hoffmann
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A Novel Hyperspectral Waveband Selection Algorithm for Insect Attack Detection    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 281-291. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41238) @2012
Authors:   Y. Zhao, X. Xu, F. Liu, Y. He
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Characteristics of Active Spectral Sensor for Plant Sensing    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 293-301. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41239) @2012
Authors:   Y. Kim, D. M. Glenn, J. Park, H. K. Ngugi, B. L. Lehman
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Development of a Variable-Rate Sprayer for Nursery Liner Applications    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 303-312. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41240) @2012
Authors:   H. Y. Jeon, H. Zhu
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Detection of Huanglongbing Disease in Citrus Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy    
Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1): 313-320. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41241) @2012
Authors:   S. Sankaran, R. Ehsani
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