Citation: Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(4): 627-636. (doi: 10.13031/aea.14956) @2022 Authors: James Y. Kim, Myung-Na Shin, Ji-Hyun Lee, Weon-Tai Jeon, Seungho Cho
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Citation: Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(4): 651-658. (doi: 10.13031/aea.15023) @2022 Authors: Daniel L. Brabec, Lester O. Pordesimo
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Citation: Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(4): 645-650. (doi: 10.13031/aea.15171) @2022 Authors: Paul A. Funk, Joseph W. Thomas, Kathleen M. Yeater, Neha Kothari, Carlos B. Armijo, Derek P. Whitelock, John D. Wanjura, Christopher Delhom
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Citation: Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(4): 669-683. (doi: 10.13031/aea.14865) @2022 Authors: Bradley A. King, David D Tarkalson, David L. Bjorneberg
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