Pondering Mining and Agricultural Safety
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(2):. (doi: 10.13031/2013.20390) @2006
Authors: Dennis J. Murphy
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High Pesticide Exposure Events Among Farmers and Spouses Enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(2): 101-116. (doi: 10.13031/2013.20385) @2006
Authors: E. M. Bell, D. P. Sandler, M. C. Alavanja
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Factors Affecting Farm Noise During Common Agricultural Activities
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(2): 117-125. (doi: 10.13031/2013.20388) @2006
Authors: R. C. Franklin, J. Depczynski, K. Challinor, W. Williams, L. J. Fragar
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Frequency and Severity of Injuries to Operators During Overturns of Farm Tractors
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(2): 127-138. (doi: 10.13031/2013.20386) @2006
Authors: H. P. Cole, M. L. Myers, S. C. Westneat
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Occupational Health Survey of Farm Workers by Camp Health Aides
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(2): 139-153. (doi: 10.13031/2013.20389) @2006
Authors: L. Cameron, N. Lalich, S. Bauer, V. Booker, H. O. Bogue, S. Samuels, A. L. Steege
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Skin Disease Among Latino Farmworkers in North Carolina
Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(2): 155-163. (doi: 10.13031/2013.20387) @2006
Authors: J. Krejci-Manwaring, M. R. Schulz, S. R. Feldman, Q. M. Vallejos, S. A. Quandt, S. R. Rapp, T. A. Arcury
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