Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems

Vol. 1 No.2 Return to Issues      Return to Publications Included                      


A Review of Machine Learning Models for Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring in Freshwater Systems   Open Access    
Citation:  Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems. 1(2): 63-76. (doi: 10.13031/jnrae.15647) @2023
Authors:   Ibrahim Busari, Debabrata Sahoo, R. Daren Harmel, Brian E. Haggard
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Effectiveness of Nutrient Management for Reducing Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Areas   Open Access    
Citation:  Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems. 1(2): 77-88. (doi: 10.13031/jnrae.15572) @2023
Authors:   Brock Kamrath, Yongping Yuan
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