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Improved Cost Estimates for Agricultural Conservation Practices

Mark R. Deutschman1,*, Sarah Koep1,2

Published in Applied Engineering in Agriculture 38(3): 539-551 (doi: 10.13031/aea.14677). Copyright 2022 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

1    International Water Institute, Fargo, North Dakota, USA.

2    Currently at Barr Engineering, Duluth, Minnesota, USA.

*    Correspondence:

The authors have paid for open access for this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License https://creative

Submitted for review on 18 May 2021 as manuscript number NRES 14677; approved for publication as a Research Article by Associate Editor Dr. Yongping Yuan and Community Editor Dr. Kyle Mankin of the Natural Resources & Environmental Systems Community of ASABE on 23 March 2022.


Abstract. The cost to achieve water quality goals is an essential piece of information necessary for assessing whether the expected societal benefits are worthy of investment.Within the United States, taxes generate the “public money” to pay to improve water quality. State and Federal Agencies distribute the public’s money to local governments and landowners as grants and cost-share to implement agricultural conservation practices (“practices”). Comparing the cost to improve water quality and the anticipated public benefit helps inform the investment decision.

The lack of a robust method for estimating the cost of practices and developing a Water Quality Strategy hampers the ability to compare cost and benefits. Within Minnesota and North Dakota, Water Quality Practitioners commonly use the Prioritize, Target, Measure Application (PTMApp) to develop strategies to improve water quality. PTMApp utilizes the Environmental Quality Incentives Program payment as a surrogate to estimate practice cost. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program payment is a percentage of the estimated cost to implement a typical practice scenario, excluding the labor to plan, design and permit the practice; inspect the practice during construction; operate and maintain the practice; finance costs; and in most cases forgone income.

We addressed the need for estimates of practice cost by developing Useful Life Total Costs (UTLCs) for 23 agricultural conservation practices. Useful Life Total Costs incurred throughout the practice life cycle begin with planning and end with reconstruction to maintain proper function. We developed multiple ULTCs (year 2020) for each practice by bracketing the range of design variations and sizes. Legacy PTMApp costs ranged from 1% to 55% of the UTLC, confirming underestimation of the actual practice costs.

Cost functions developed by selecting the best-fit line between the ULTCs and a predominant practice physical characteristic are useful for developing Water Quality Strategies. The cost functions, recently incorporated into PTMApp, considerably improve the ability to estimate the actual cost to achieve water quality goals and societal benefits.

Keywords.Benefits, Implementation, Life cycle, Planning, PTMApp, Useful life, Water quality.

The cost of achieving water quality goals within a watershed is critical information for determining whether to invest in the anticipaed societal benefits. Taxation generates the “public money” used by state and federal governments to improve water quality in the United States. State and federal agencies distribute public funds to local governments and landowners in the form of grants and cost-share to help implement practices. The foundation for constructive public debate is the comparison of the cost of improving water quality and the anticipated public benefits. Publicly disclosing cost and benefit information increases transparency in decision-making and establishes expectations for the use of public funds.

A Water Quality Strategy guides efforts to improve water quality (Yuan et al., 2002; Arabi et al., 2006; Kalcic et al., 2015; Fox et al., 2021) by identifying the implementation actions for managing runoff and reducing soil and nutrient loss from agricultural lands. The Water Quality Strategy provides details about the set of practices believed necessary to achieve the water quality goals. These details include the number of practices by type, positions within the watershed, water quality value and cost-effectiveness, collective performance of the practices in meeting water quality goals and total cost.

Assessing the viability of achieving water quality goals necessitates cost information. Water quality goals are practicable when the cost of achieving the goal is reasonable in comparison to the societal benefits realized. The water quality goal specifies the maximum allowable level of a substance, most commonly sediment and nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen), that a lake, reservoir or stream can receive. Maintaining the amount (i.e., load) below the allowable level presumably results in the desired societal benefits. Agency policy, an assessment of beneficial uses, or the completion of a Total Maximum Daily Load determine allowable levels. A portion of the load allocation from a Total Maximum Daily Load represents the maximum allowable level from agricultural lands. By design, the Water Quality Strategy portends reducing loads to the maximum allowable level.

Methods to optimize the process of selecting the “best” practices to achieve allowable levels within a watershed require information about practice cost and cost-effectiveness (Veith et al., 2001; Srivastava et al., 2002; Yuan et al., 2002; Veith et al., 2003; Bracmort et al., 2004; Arabi et al., 2006; Fox et al., 2021; Kaini et al., 2012). Cost-effectiveness defined as the annual load reduction per unit cost differs for each practice. Practice effectiveness for reducing loads varies depending upon design and watershed position. Cost varies because each practice is comprised of unique features.

Because it represents water quality value, information about practice cost-effectiveness aids in identifying the set of “best” practices to achieve water quality goals (Liu et al., 2019). Water quality value is greater for those practices with small (e.g., $/lb) cost-effectiveness values. Practice cost-effectiveness can be combined with other factors (e.g., landowner acceptance of a practice) to improve the ability to select the “right set” of practices for achieving water quality goals, leading to a more realistic estimate of the funding needed to implement the practices included in the Water Quality Strategy.

The methods used to estimate practice costs and as a result, cost-effectiveness differ in their complexity. A common method for estimating practice cost relies on using historical amounts paid for implementation (Gitau et al., 2006; Price et al., 2021). The mean or median historical value represents a typical cost for the practice.

A practice cost can also be represented by a unit cost (e.g., $/surface area) applied to a design characteristic (e.g., surface area) (Kaini et al., 2012; Kaufman et al., 2021). Landowner incentive payments made through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) have served as a surrogate for unit cost (BWSR, 2021).

Cost functions are widely used in optimization studies to estimate practice costs (Bracmort et al., 2004; Arabi et al., 2006; Kalcic et al., 2015). The cost function includes specific terms for practice establishment, annual maintenance and forgone income. Establishment cost can be estimated using the historical amount spent or a unit cost. The annual maintenance cost is often estimated as a percentage of the establishment cost. Removing land from agricultural production incurs an additional cost because of yield and revenue loss; i.e., opportunity cost or forgone income. The amount of forgone income depends upon the historical yield and crop rotation.

The practice implementation process involves many steps including planning, permitting, surveying, design, construction, operation and maintenance and financing (i.e., useful life). Each step has an associated cost, some such as operation and maintenance, for the entire practice life cycle. The amount of time following construction until replacing the practice is necessary to restore original function (assuming performance of routine maintenance) is the practice life cycle. Each year after construction, there is a loss of income and interest on the loan. Even thorough practice cost estimates (Christianson et al., 2013; Tyndall and Bowman, 2016) rarely account for all of the Useful Life Total Costs (ULTC) components.

The methods for estimating practice cost share several challenges. A description of each cost component should accompany every expression of cost. Practice costs can easily represent different steps in the implementation process. Material costs and contractor experience with constructing practices can vary regionally affecting cost.

Because of the difficulties with estimating practice costs, Water Quality Practitioners within Minnesota and North Dakota frequently employ the unit cost method, with the EQIP payment serving as a surrogate for the unit cost. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) annually publishes EQIP payment schedules. The EQIP payment is a percentage of the estimated cost to implement a typical practice scenario, excluding the labor to plan, design and permit the practice; inspect the practice during construction; operate and maintain the practice; finance costs; and in most cases forgone income.

The lack of robust cost estimates for practices based on their useful life hampers our ability to compare cost and benefits and understand the societal cost for achieving water quality goals. We developed ULTCs for 23 different practices to address the need for practice cost estimates for use when developing Water Quality Strategies. We developed multiple ULTCs (year 2020) for practices bracketing the range of design variations and sizes. A best-fit line between the ULTCs and a predominant physical characteristic driving cost resulted in a mathematical (“cost”) function for each practice. The cost functions recently incorporated into a computer application known as the Prioritize, Target, Measure Application (PTMApp) (International Water Institute, 2020), which is widely used within Minnesota and North Dakota, improve the ability to weigh the cost and benefits of a Water Quality Strategy.

Materials and Methods

We developed ULTCs for design variations of 23 NRCS practices included in PTMApp (table 1). We then used the ULTCs to develop cost functions for each practice, ultimately incorporating the functions into PTMApp.

Estimating Useful Life Total Cost

The process for developing the ULTCs and cost functions involved multiple steps (fig. 1). Creating the cost functions required identifying design variations for each practice (fig. 2). We identified variations by utilizing design parameters from the NRCS Practice Standards and Specifications (USDA 2020a; USDA 2020b) that encompassed the probable ULTC range. Each design variation has its own set of features and complexity depending on the number of design dependencies. The number of design variations ranged from one to six. We typically utilized a minimum of three design variations. A single design variation described tillage system practices such as no-till. Less complex practices having fewer design dependencies require fewer variations to bracket the ULTC range.

A wetland restoration example (NRCS Practice Code 657) illustrates the process for identifying design variations (fig. 2). The water volume from the contributing drainage area, the landscape setting and the pool creation method are all design dependencies.

Figure 1. Process for developing Useful Life Total Costs and cost functions for 23 practices.

PTMApp is comprised of two components; i.e., a custom desktop application used to create water quality information built on ESRI Geographic Information System technology and a web application to access the information (IWI, 2020). Application uses include developing watershed plans following EPA’s nine-step process (EPA, 2008), rapidly creating Water Quality Strategies, evaluating practice opportunities at the field scale with producers, evaluating practice cost-effectiveness and tracking implementation progress. The desktop application creates GIS polygons representing possible locations for 23 practices (table 1). Attached to each polygon are physical characteristics, the estimated sediment and nutrient annual load reductions at the field edge and downstream locations, runoff volumes, cost and cost-effectiveness.

Natural Resources Conservation Service practice scenarios for Minnesota and North Dakota formed the foundation for developing the ULTCs (USDA, 2020e; 2020f) (fig. 2). A practice scenario represents a typical practice of regional, representative size under normal construction conditions with commonly used materials and equipment. The cost for the practice scenario establishes a basis for the payment rate to a landowner when implementing the practice with financial assistance through a NRCS Conservation Program.

We created a spreadsheet for each design variation, initially built from the practice scenario, for estimating the ULTC. Comparing similar practice scenarios to each design variation revealed missing features and an understanding of the cost components. We added cost components including missing steps in the implementation process and practice features for the design variation to the spreadsheet to reflect the useful life including the labor to plan, design and permit a practice; the labor for construction observation; the labor for post-construction operation and annual inspection; periodic maintenance; forgone income (as necessary) and finance cost.

The amount of labor required to plan, permit, design, bid and observe construction varies depending upon the complexity of the design and practice size. Complex practices necessitate more labor to complete each implementation step, increasing cost. For example, the labor for permitting small wetland restorations authorized by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nationwide permit requires only letter notification resulting in low cost.

Material quantities, as well as labor and equipment time, also increase with design complexity (i.e., more features) and practice size. We estimated design discharge by using U.S. Geological Survey regression equations derived for western and southern Minnesota (Region D) (Lorenz et al., 2009). We then sized the features of certain practices using NRCS design aids (USDA, 2020d). Sediment basin (350), filter strip (393), grade stabilization (410), grassed waterway (412), open channel (582), denitrifying bioreactor (605), and water and sediment control basin (638) features and practices were sized using design aids.

The ULTC spreadsheet included a design component. Changing a design dependency automatically updated the estimated amount of labor, construction material quantities and cost. Unit costs for construction materials, labor and quantities came from the 2020 practice scenarios for North Dakota and Minnesota (USDA, 2020e; 2020f) rather than compiling actual local unit costs from bid tabs.

Figure 2. Illustration of the process of developing variations for each practice, using a wetland restoration example.

The amount of labor required to operate and inspect the practice on an annual basis throughout its life cycle reflects the type of practice. We developed operation and maintenance schedules for each design variation to estimate these costs. The cost of maintenance varied according to practice size, tract size, and vegetation establishment method. Maintaining native prairie for example, requires more effort than non-native grasses. Native prairie needs burning every three to five years to control noxious weeds, whereas mowing every three to five years can maintain non-native grasses.

For each year of the practice life cycle duration for land removed from production, we calculated net forgone income as the product of regional average annual yield and the commodity price for dryland soybeans using $206.54 per acre (USDA, 2020e).

We adjusted all future costs incurred throughout the life cycle duration to 2020 present value based on the following assumptions:

The life cycle duration for each practices is an important assumption when estimating the ULTC. The National Handbook of Conservation Practices provided the life cycle duration for each practice (table 1) (USDA, 2020c). Based on other sources (Tyndall and Bowman, 2016); Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 2017) including the experiences of field practitioners (Hoogendoom, personal communication, 2020; Mead, personal communication, 2020), we changed various life cycle durations to reflect actual lifespan in the field. The life cycle duration for drainage water management deviated from National Handbook of Conservation Practices (USDA, 2020c) to reflect the longevity of the water control structure and subsurface tile. Life cycle durations for practices requiring considerable planning prior to being implemented (e.g., prescribed grazing) were assumed to remain in place for multiple years.

The finance cost reflects a 2.0% interest rate for the life cycle duration. Using a discount rate of 2.0%, the ULTC represents 2020 dollars. Dividing the ULTC by the life cycle duration estimates the Annualized Useful Life Total Cost (AULTC).

Prioritize, Target, Measure Application Practice “Cost”

To estimate “cost,” PTMApp uses “unit payments” from the Minnesota or North Dakota 2020 EQIP schedule (USDA, 2020g; USDA, 2020h) as a surrogate for unit cost. Practice cost is then estimated by multiplying by the unit cost (e.g., $/surface area) and the number of units for the “primary practice.” The predominant feature for the practice (e.g., embankment) is the primary practice.

Table 1. Practices included in the prioritize, target, measure application and the useful life total cost analysis.
Practice NameNRCS
Practice No.
Life Cycle
References for Life Cycle Duration
Conservation Cover327Management10 (5)Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 2017
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till329Management1National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Cover Crops340Management 1National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c;
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, 2019
Critical Area Planting[b]342Structural10National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till345Management1
National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Sediment Basin350Structural 20National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Pond[c]378Structural 22.5 (20)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover390Management10 (5)Professional judgment; Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet 2019
Riparian Forest Buffer 391Management10 (15)Professional judgement; Kentucky Energy
and Environment Cabinet 2019
Filter Strip393Structural 10National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Grade Stabilization410Structural 15National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Grassed Waterway412Structural 20 (10)NRCS Practice Code 412 2018 operation
and maintenance plan USDA, 2020a
Pasture and Hay (forage/biomass planting)512Management10 (5)Professional Judgment and Kentucky Energy
and Environment Cabinet, 2019
Prescribed Grazing528Management4 (1)ND NRCS Code 528 Practice Specification USDA, 2020a
Drainage Water Management554Structural 20 (1)Professional judgment reflecting water
control structure and installed tile
Streambank and Shoreline Protection580Structural 20National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Open Channel (multi-stage) 582Structural 15National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Nutrient Management 590Management5 (1)Professional judgement; assumes utilized
for 5 year period once implemented
Saturated Buffer604Structural 20 (15)Cost Sheet for Saturated Buffers Tyndall and Bowman, 2016
Denitrifying Bioreactor605Structural 10National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c;
Tyndall and Bowman, 2016; Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 2017
Water and Sediment Control Basin638Structural 10 National Handbook of Conservation Practices USDA, 2020c;
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, 2019
Constructed Wetland[d]656Structural 12 (15) National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c
Wetland Restoration657Structural 15National Handbook of Conservation Practices UDSA, 2020c

    [a]    National Handbook of Conservation Practices (USDA, 2020c) value in parentheses when different from value used in analysis.

    [b]    Can include grading for erosion repair.

    [c]    Life cycle durations of 15 and 25 years for excavated pond with no principal outlet and ponds with outlets, respectively.

    [d]    Life cycle durations of 10 and 15 years for created wetland constructed by excavation and all other methods, respectively.

Most practices, however, involve “associated practices.” Associated practices are required for proper function. The embankment for example, is the primary practice used to determine the Water and Sediment Control Basin EQIP payment. Additional practices such as an underground outlet (Practice 620) and critical area planting (Practice 342) are associated practices. The default unit costs used in PTMApp exclude the unit costs for associated practices.

We investigated the consequences of using the EQIP payment schedule for the PTMApp default unit costs. To investigate the implications, we compared the PTMApp cost to the ULTC for each practice. We estimated the PTMApp cost for each practice based on the unit payments in the EQIP schedules for North Dakota and Minnesota (USDA, 2020g; 2020h).

Useful Life Total Cost Functions

We developed cost functions for each of the 23 practices for use in water quality planning, when developing a Water Quality Strategy and incorporating them into PTMApp. To create a cost function for each practice, we changed the design dependency values in the spreadsheet for each design variation several times (figs. 1 and 2). Peak discharge, which varies with drainage area, is a common design dependency that we changed in the spreadsheet. Entering a series of drainage areas into the spreadsheet automatically updated the amount of labor, feature sizes, construction material quantities and the ULTC. The process yielded a set of estimated ULTCs based on a design dependency. The Natural Resources Conservation Service Practice Standards provided the lower, typical, and upper bounds for the design dependency (USDA, 2020a; 2020b). Generally, at least three design variations represented a practice, except for denitrifying bioreactor (1), riparian herbaceous cover (1), and filter strip (2) (table 2).

We then fit linear, exponential, logarithmic and polynomial equations to the design dependency (e.g., drainage area size) and the ULTCs. As the cost function for a practice, we selected the equation with the largest Coefficient of Determination (R2).

Practice No./DescriptionDesign DependenciesNo. Design
Useful Life Total Cost[b][c]
327 Conservation Cover

Tract size and vegetation type planted4
Surface area (acre)$84,394
329 Residue and Tillage Management, No Till[d]Tillage method and field size
Surface area (acre)$2,415
340 Cover Crop

Field size, termination method,
vegetation type planted
Surface area (acre)$1,961
342 Critical Area Planting

Tract size, intensity of grading
needed, type of vegetation used
Surface area (acre)$87,709
345 Residue & Tillage
Management-Reduced Till[d]
Tillage method and field size
Surface area (acre)$2,166
350 Sediment Basin

Drainage area, vegetative stabilization method, energy dissipation infiltration 4


area (acre)





378 Pond[e]

Drainage area, energy dissipation,
vegetative stabilization method


Surface area (acre)$18,934




390 Riparian Herbaceous
Vegetation type, tract size



Surface area (acre)$81,206




391 Riparian Forest Buffer

Vegetation type, tract size


Surface area (acre)$127,072




393 Filter Strip

Vegetation type, filter strip
width–drainage area ratio


Surface area (acre)$1,837




410 Grade Stabilization

Drainage area, watershed slope,
check structure type


area (acre)




412 Grassed Waterway

Drainage area, watershed
slope, need for check structures,
vegetation establishment


area (acre)




512 Pasture and Hay
(Forage/Biomass Planting)
Vegetation type, tract size


Surface area (acre)$34,312




528 Prescribed Grazing

Vegetation type, tract size,
no. of animal units


area (acre)




554 Drainage Water
Watershed slope
(no. of control structures)


area (acre)




580 Streambank and
Shoreline Protection
Bank height and slope



height (ft)




582 Open Channel
Drainage area (size of base flow
and second stage channel)


Drainage area (mi2)$16,497




590 Nutrient Management

Fertilizer application
method and field size


Surface area (acre)$3,479




604 Saturated Buffer

Drainage area (length of pipe),
type of vegetation management


area (acre)
605 Denitrifying Bioreactor

Drainage area size
(bioreactor volume)


area (acre)

638 Water and Sediment
Control Basin

Drainage area, watershed slope,
runoff volume, farmed or
not farmed, vegetation type


area (acre)





656 Constructed Wetland

Drainage area, construction
method, vegetation type


Surface area (acre)$8,645




657 Wetland Restoration

Drainage area, construction
method, vegetation type


Surface area (acre)$11,586




[a]    Number of design variations used to derive ULTC statistics.
[b]    Useful life total cost includes planning, permitting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, financing and forgone income.
[c]    Using discount rate of 2% and finance cost of 2% per year.
[d]    Data for Practice Code 329 is for no till. Data for Practice Code 345 is reduced till.
[e]    Pond values are surface area. Surface area of 0.6 and 7.8 acres correspond to product of storage and effective height of 3.6 and 2,945 acre-ft2, respectively.
Table 2. Summary of Useful Life Total Costs (2020 present value) for 23 practices estimated using the design variation spreadsheets.

Results and Discussion

The Water Quality Strategy is a tool to guide implementation and ensure attaining the water quality goals is commensurate with the amount of (usually) public money needed. The number of practices in a Water Quality Strategy can easily approach or exceed one hundred. Using a single value to represent the cost of a practice results in an unintentional misrepresentation of the amount of money required to implement not only the practice, but also successfully execute the Water Quality Strategy. The ULTCs and AULTCs exhibit a large range for the 23 practices (tables 2 and 3). The maximum to minimum ratios for the ULTCs are 1.1 to 30.7. If the primary practice's cost is non-normally distributed, using a mean value poorly represents the cost.

The ULTCs and AULTCs show large ranges because:

Normalizing the AULTCs by their respective number of units produces unit AULTCs (table 4). Multiplying a minimum, typical or maximum AULTC unit value by the number of units for the design dependency estimates the ULTC.

Table 3. Summary of Annual Useful Life Total Cost (2020 present value) for 23 practices estimated using the design variation spreadsheets.
Practice No./DescriptionNo. Design
Life Cycle
SizeUnitsAnnual Useful Life Total Cost ($/yr)[b][c]
327 Conservation Cover41040-50Surface area (acre)$8,439$11,092$15,771
329 Residue and Tillage Management, No Till[d]3115-100Surface area (acre)$2,415$3,390$4,099
340 Cover Crop3140Surface area (acre)$1,961$2,488$2,984
342 Critical Area Planting31040Surface area (acre)$8,771$9,117$9,745
345 Residue & Tillage Management–Reduced Till[d]31 20-200Surface area (acre)$2,166$3,460$4,753
350 Sediment Basin4207Drainage area (acre)$754$1,011$1,268
378 Pond[e]422.50.6-7.8Surface area (acre)$1,262$4,302$9,632
390 Riparian Herbaceous Cover31040Surface area (acer)$8,121$9,071$10,356
391 Riparian Forest Buffer21040Surface area (acre)$12,707$17,809$22,910
393 Filter Strip2100.15-0.37Surface area (acre)$184$258$332
410 Grade Stabilization4159-320Drainage area (acre)$755$2,126$3,612
412 Grassed Waterway620200-640Drainage area (acre)$662$1,019$1,416
512 Pasture and Hay (forage/biomass planting)31080-120Surface area (acre)$3,431$5,352$7,902
528 Prescribed Grazing34160-1,200Grazing area (acre)$1,081$12,393$33,150
554 Drainage Water Management32010Drainage area (acre)$765$893$1,120
580 Streambank and Shoreline Protection320300-500Length × height (ft)$497$1,020$1.570
582 Open Channel (multi-stage ditch)3151-10Drainage area (mi2)$1,100$1,525$2,032
590 Nutrient Management2540Surface area (acre)$696$931$1,166
604 Saturated Buffer32020Drainage area (acre)$492$587$706
605 Denitrifying Bioreactor11010Drainage area (acre)$2,920
638 Water and Sediment Control Basin610 40-50Drainage area (acre)$1,000$1,733$3,464
656 Constructed Wetland[e]51215-100Surface area (acre)$865$8,259$17,183
657 Wetland Restoration61540Surface area (acre)$772$3,336$6,006

    [a]    Number of design variations used to derive cost statistics.

    [b]    Annual useful life total cost includes planning, permitting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, financing and forgone income. Uses discount rate of 2% and finance cost of 2% per year.

    [c]    Useful life total cost estimate (2020 PV) from table 2 divided by the useful life duration.

    [d]    No till for Practice Code 329. Reduced till for Practice Code 345.

    [e]    Life cycle duration varies for practice, depending upon design and construction methods.

Table 4. Summary of Annual Useful Life Costs (2020 present value) per design dependency unit for 23 practices.
Life Cycle
Duration (yrs)
Annual Useful Life Cost Per Unit[a][b]
Practice No./DescriptionMin.Avg.Max.Max./Min.Design Dependency Units
327 Conservation Cover10$211$258$3151.5Acre planted
329 Residue and Tillage Management, No Till[c]1$24$111$27311.4Acre of field
340 Cover Crop1$49$62$751.5Acre planted
342 Critical Area Planting10$219$228$2441.1Acre planted
345 Residue & Tillage Management–Reduced Till[c]1 $17$92$23814Acre of field
350 Sediment Basin20$108$144$1811.7Acre of contributing drainage area
378 Pond[d]22.5$863$1,300$2,1042.4Acre of contributing drainage area
390 Riparian Herbaceous Cover10$203$227$2592.5Acre planted
391 Riparian Forest Buffer 10$318$445$5732.6Acre planted
393 Filter Strip10$37$58$802.2Acre planted
410 Grade Stabilization15$11$37$847.6Acre of contributing drainage area
412 Grassed Waterway20$2.16$2.88$3.441.6Acre of contributing drainage area
512 Pasture and Hay (forage/biomass planting)10$43$56$661.5Acre planted
528 Prescribed Grazing4$3$12$289.3Acre grazed
554 Drainage Water Management20$77$89$1121.5Acre of contributing drainage area
580 Streambank and Shoreline Protection 20$153$473$1,0603.1Product of bank height and length
582 Open Channel (Multi-stage)15$203$531$1,1005.4Acre of contributing drainage area
590 Nutrient Management5$17$23$29142.2Acre of field
604 Saturated Buffer20$25$29$351.4Acre of contributing drainage area
605 Denitrifying Bioreactor[e]10 $292Acre of contributing drainage area
638 Water and Sediment Control Basin10 $240$373$5776Acre of contributing drainage area
656 Constructed Wetland[d]12$419$4,473$17,29041.3Acre constructed
657 Wetland Restoration15$114$469$9017.9Acre restored

    [a]    Annual useful life cost per unit includes planning, permitting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, financing and forgone income.

    [b]    Annual cost from table 3 adjusted for the number of units used to derive the cost estimate. The number of units may vary for the same practice.

    [c]    No till for Practice Code 329. Reduced till for Practice Code 345.

    [d]    Life cycle duration varies for practice, depending upon design and construction methods.

    [e]    No design variation for this practice.

Legacy PTMApp costs based on the EQIP payment schedule range from 33% to 151% of the ULTC construction and materials (table 5). The average percentage is 61%. The percentage compares favorably to the EQIP payment rate based on 75% of the estimated construction costs for a typical implementation scenario.

Table 5. Summary of Useful Life Total Cost comparison to legacy PTMApp “cost” by project development category.
Project Development Category – Average Percentage of Useful Life Total Cost
Practice No./DescriptionAvg. ULTC
(2020 Present
Plans &
O & M
PTMApp (% of
Ratio of Legacy PTMApp Cost to ULTC Construction
and Materials (%)
327 Conservation Cover$110,9231.
329 Residue and Tillage
Management, No Till
340 Cover Crop$2,4885.
342 Critical Area Planting$91,1740.
345 Residue & Tillage
Management–Reduced Till
350 Sediment Basin$20,2287.76.45.652.
378 Pond$104,3904.
390 Riparian Herbaceous Cover$90,7151.
391 Riparian Forest Buffer $178,0871.
393 Filter Strip$2,58019.
410 Grade Stabilization$31,8956.45.24.555.
412 Grassed Waterway$20,3757.25.44.834.930.411.55.72777
512 Pasture and Hay
(Forage/Biomass Planting)
528 Prescribed Grazing$49,5724.
554 Drainage Water Management$17,85922.63.26.634.
580 Streambank and Shoreline
582 Open Channel (Multi-stage)$22,8779.
590 Nutrient Management$5,23616.
604 Saturated Buffer$11,73514.35.49.527.
605 Denitrifying BioreactorOnly one design variation
638 Water and Sediment
Control Basin
656 Constructed Wetland$116,5436.15.85.551.510.814.85.51733
657 Wetland Restoration$50,0385.46.14.441.025.512.05.61946
Average Percentage

Some landowners may be hesitant to implement practices because they are responsible for maintaining them without fully understanding their cost obligation. The operation and maintenance component for many practices tends to be less than 15% of the ULTC, but can be a considerable amount (table 5).

Table 6. Useful Life Total Costs[a] estimated using the ULTC cost functions and number of design dependency units.
MinimumMid-RangeMaximumDesign Dependency
Practice No./DescriptionNo. of UnitsULTCNo. of UnitsULTCNo. of UnitsULTC
327 Conservation Cover1$4,03781$17,673160$317,365Acres planted
329 Residue and Tillage Management, No Till[b]5$236323$8,906640$16,157Acres of field
340 Cover Crop5$627323$18,656640$32,550Acres planted
342 Critical Area Planting14,05581$169,171160$301,523Acres planted
345 Residue & Tillage Management, Reduced Till[b]5$192323$6,486640$11,551Acres of field
350 Sediment Basin5$16,86323$36,16740$47,695Acres of contributing drainage area
378 Pond1$26,80326$269,93750$354,320Acres of contributing drainage area
390 Riparian Herbaceous Cover1$3,589321$635,853640$1,180,770Acres planted
391 Riparian Forest Buffer 1$3,443321$997,217640$1,962,456Acres planted
393 Filter Strip0.69$2,30526$2,86650$2,981Acres planted
410 Grade Stabilization5$9,669163$28,180320$34,664Acres of contributing drainage area
412 Grassed Waterway20$12,015330$16,144640$20,274Acres of contributing drainage area
512 Pasture and Hay (Forage/Biomass Planting)1$2,35581$42,811160$67,092Acres planted
528 Prescribed Grazing5$1,324603$23,4061200$7,634Acres grazed
554 Drainage Water Management10$13,40875$11,833140$11,384Acres of contributing drainage area
580 Streambank & Shoreline Protection250$9,5214492$107,26520000$803,559Product of bank height and length
582 Open Channel (Multi-stage)640$15,6763520$24,2126400$28,199Acres of contributing drainage area
590 Nutrient Management10$6,741646$27,8081280$35,087Acres of field 
604 Saturated Buffer5$11,60753$17,231100$36,126Acres of contributing drainage area
605 Denitrifying Bioreactor5$14,25053$27,268100$40,015Acres of contributing drainage area
638 Water and Sediment Control Basin1$8,41921$15,00640$25,984Acres of contributing drainage area
656 Constructed Wetland0.046$5,57821$134,71740$188,338Acres constructed
657 Wetland Restoration1$15,76711$48,19920$63,684Acres restored 

    [a]    Useful life cost per unit includes planning, permitting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, financing and forgone income. Values are averages for all design variations; 2020 values.

    [b]    No till for Practice Code 329. Reduced till for Practice Code 345.

We estimated the ULTC range using the minimum, mid-range and maximum number of design units (table 6) using the cost functions (table 7). The number of design units varies considerably for each practice. The minimum number of design units represents the smallest practical practice size. The maximum number of units, based on the NRCS’s Practice Standards and Specifications (USDA, 2020a; USDA, 2020b), represents the largest technically feasible practice size. The mid-range number of design units represents a typical value for the practice. These UTLCs are useful for screening practice cost estimates; practice costs should generally be within the range. The ULTC for Riparian Herbaceous and Forest Buffer seem exceptionally large. The large number of acres and forgone income drive the ULTCs for these practices.

Table 7. Useful life total cost functions for 23 agricultural practices.
No. of
Points Used
to Derive Function
Practice NameUnitsCostUnitsCost
Conservation Cover32715= (4036.6*Surf. Area^-0.14)*Surf. AreaAcres0.661$4,037160$317,365
Residue and Tillage
Management, No Till
32910= (58.102*Surf. Area^-0.129)*Surf. AreaAcres0.565$236640$16,157
Cover Crop[a]34024= (110.39*Surf. Area^-0.134)*Surf. AreaAcres0.405$627640$32,550
Critical Area Planting34215= (4055.3*Surf. Area^-0.151)*Surf. AreaAcres0.721$4,055160$301,523
Residue & Tillage
Management –
Reduced Till
3455= (49.454*Surf. Area^-0.156)*Surf. AreaAcres0.925$192640$11,551
Sediment Basin with & without Infiltration 35020= (7541.3*(Drainage Area)^-0.5)*Drainage AreaAcres
Pond37814= (-5040*ln(Surf. Area)+ 26803)*Surf. AreaAcres0.571$26,80350$354,320
Riparian Herbaceous Cover39027= (3589.4*Surf. Area^-0.103)*Surf. AreaAcres0.601$3,598640$1,180,770
Riparian Forest Buffer39118= (-5.834*ln(Surf. Area)+ 3443.3)*Surf. AreaAcres0.011$3,443640$1,962,456
Filter Strip39332= (2357*(Drainage Area)^-0.94))*
(Drainage Area))
Acres 0.930.69$2,30550$2,981
Grade Stabilization4109= (5899.2*^-0.693)*Drainage AreaAcres 0.765$9.669320$34,664
Grassed Waterway41235= (0.0111*Drainage Area/43560+9.7906)*LengthAcres/ft0.3420$12,015640$20,274
Pasture and Hay
(Forage/Biomass Planting)
51215= (2354.8*Surf. Area^-0.34)*Surf. AreaAcres0.801$2,355160$67,092
Prescribed Grazing52821= (-47.16*ln(Grazing Area)+340.73)*
Grazing Area
Drainage Water
55416= (29145*(Drainage Area)^-1.202)*
(Drainage Area)
Streambank and
Shoreline Protection[c]
58044=24.22*(bank ht*length) -1524Feet0.72250$9,52120000$803,599
Open Channel
5824= (3017.6*(Drainage Area)^-0.745)
*Drainage Area
Nutrient Management59010= (1949.9*Field Area^-0.66)*Field AreaAcres0.785$3,370640$17,543
Saturated Buffer60410= 2.9985*(Drainage Area)^2-56.754
*(Drainage Area)+11816
Acres 0.595$11,607100$36,126
Denitrifying Bioreactor60511= 271.21*(Drainage Area)+12894Acres 0.995$14,250100$40,015
Water and Sediment
Control Basin
6386= 8179.3*2.718^(0.0289*(Drainage Area))Acres 0.991$8,41940$25,984
Constructed Wetland65616= (27661*Surf. Area^-0.48)*Surf. AreaAcres0.950.046$5.57840$188,338
Wetland Restoration65717= (15767*Surf. Area^-0.534)*Surf. AreaAcres0.801$15,76720$63,684

    [a]    Rye-grass with and without termination.

    [b]    Cost increases for smaller drainage areas with increasing water slope, because multiple structures are necessary.

    [c]    Units for Streambank and Shoreline Protection are $ per foot. Design for rock rip-rap toe stabilization and bioengineered only (no gabions).

The ULTC cost functions for the practices revealed a number of mathematical relationships (table 7). The number of points used to derive the cost functions (combination of design variations and design dependencies) ranged from four to forty-four (table 7) and varied depending on the form of the mathematical relationship. Linear relationships required fewer points to describe the best-fit line to represent the cost function than exponential relationships.

Useful life total cost functions typically vary either linearly or exponentially with size of the contributing drainage area (fig. 3). Some cost functions differ markedly depending on design. The cost function for Water and Sediment Control Basins is “well behaved” (fig. 3a). The Coefficient of Determination is large and the points representing the ULTCs deviate slightly from the fitted line. The cost function for cover crops (fig. 3d) behaves well, but clearly demonstrates the effect of design variation; i.e., types of plants utilized and termination method. The cost function for grassed waterways depends on drainage area size and behaves poorly exhibiting a low Coefficient of Determination (fig. 4a). Predictability improves by creating a cost function dependent upon two design dependencies; drainage area and watershed slope (fig. 4b). Watershed slope being included in the cost function as a design dependency reflects a change in the channel size and need for check structures to avoid critical flow.

Low R2 values for cover crops (fig. 3d), grassed waterways (fig. 4), riparian forest buffer (fig. 5a) and streambank and shoreline protection (fig. 5b) result from combining multiple design variations into a single cost function for use within PTMApp. Creating cost functions for these practices based on multiple design dependencies would improve predictability. However, the cost estimation process within PTMApp currently allows only for a single design dependency.

Figure 3. Example Useful Life Total Cost functions (2020 dollars) for four common practices. Each point represents a Useful Life Total Cost used to derive the function.
Figure 4. Example cost functions (2020 dollars) for grassed waterways. Each point represents a Useful Life Total Cost used to create the function.


The ULTCs (table 2) and AULTC costs (tables 3 and 4) represent the total cost for implementing a practice. Because cost functions incorporate the combined influence of landscape setting and design complexity, an estimate of practice cost computed using a cost function (table 7) is more accurate than using a typical (average) value or EQIP unit payment. When developing a Water Quality Strategy to achieve water quality goals and realize the anticipated societal benefits, using the cost functions provides an accurate estimate of the total cost borne by society. The ULTCS, AULTCs, and cost functions have general utility for water quality planning and field scale implementation.

Figure 5. Cost functions (2020 dollars) for riparian forest buffer and streambank and shoreline protection. Each point represents a Useful Life Total Cost used to create the function.

The ULTCs and AULTCs are appropriate for use regionally within the upper Midwest and elsewhere for water quality planning and practice implementation, provided the unit costs are representative of the area. The ULTC spreadsheet created for each practice design variation is extremely useful; it is simple to update the unit costs for labor and construction materials for other locations. Spreadsheet use as a cost-estimating tool necessitates updating quantities and unit costs on a regular basis as the practice design progresses. The process for developing ULTCs and the spreadsheets could be adapted for urban applications.

Because of considerable design variation, the cost functions for some practices exhibit poor predictability. Certain practices like cover crops (fig. 3d), grassed waterways (fig. 4), riparian forest buffer (fig. 5a) and streambank and shoreline protection (fig. 5b) with several very different designs are poorly described by a single cost function. Developing cost functions that separate design dependencies improves predictability (fig. 5).

This research’s ULTCs and AULTCs are useful in a variety of ways. A practice cost is calculated by multiplying the AULTC unit cost (table 4) by the number of units required for the design dependency (e.g., surface area). The average AULTC (table 4) represents the practice’s central tendency value. Cost sensitivity analysis can utilize the range of AULTCs. The ULTCs (table 6) are useful for quickly estimating practice costs during planning and evaluating the accuracy of practice cost estimates. By programming the cost functions (table 7) into a spreadsheet they can be applied to the practices comprising a Water Quality Strategy to rapidly develop an estimated of the total implementation cost.

The continuous cost functions resulting from this applied research and incorporated into PTMApp improve the technology available to Water Quality Practitioners for completing planning and rapid development of Water Quality Strategies. The process used by PTMApp to estimate cost uses a single design dependency. To improve ULTC predictability, we recommend modifying the process used to account for multiple design dependencies.

Non-engineers and non-scientists frequently use PTMApp to generate water quality data, but rarely take the time to understand what the cost value means. PTMApp utilizes both the ULTC and a “default” value for estimating practice cost, cost-effectiveness and the amount of a Water Quality Strategy. Currently, the default values are a single EQIP payment for the primary practice. If the user intends to estimate the potential federal cost share amount of a Water Quality Strategy, we recommend updating the legacy PTMApp EQIP payment values to reflect the most recent schedule for the primary and all associated practices.

Engineers and scientists should include a cost definition in their Water Quality Strategy. Clearly describing the cost components ensures proper use of the cost value, which includes requesting an adequate amount of money for implementation and realizing the societal benefit of improved water quality.


The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality supported this applied research through a Clean Water Section 319 grant. We appreciate the guidance provided by Mr. Greg Sandness, Department of Environmental Quality Section 319 Coordinator.


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