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Farmers’ Perceptions of Grain Bin Entry Hazards

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 19-30. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14662) @2022
Authors:   Serap Gorucu, Michael Lynn Pate, Linda Fetzer, Stephen Brown
Keywords:   Grain bin, Hazards, Lifeline, Near miss, Perceptions, Worker safety.


Survey participants had high levels of concern about being injured or killed in a grain bin entry incident.

Most survey participants were aware of grain bin entry hazards.

Education and training efforts should focus on safe grain bin entry practices as well as rescue procedures.

Abstract. Agricultural injury data have shown that grain bin hazards cause many injuries and fatalities every year. To develop effective safety measures, it is necessary to understand farmers‘ perceptions of grain bin entry hazards. This survey study was developed and performed to determine farmers‘ perceptions of the hazards associated with grain bin entry. The survey was administered both online and at face-to-face agricultural safety events. A total of 162 participants completed surveys, with the majority in New York and Pennsylvania. Most participants were concerned about being injured (77%) or killed (66%) when entering a grain bin. Seventy percent of the participants indicated that they had entered a grain bin alone without an observer, and 60% indicated that they had no written emergency response plan. The participants perceived safety equipment (e.g., gas monitors, lifeline and harness systems, anchor points, respirators, and grain rescue tubes) as valuable, and they were mostly familiar with some of these devices. The participants reported a need for training and short educational videos related to safe grain bin entry. Recommendations for safe grain bin entry should focus on entering bins with an observer present and using lifeline and harness systems, gas monitors, and respirators.

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