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Comparison Between Perceptions of Farm Hazards and Injury Records in Iowa

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 1(4): 241-248. (doi: 10.13031/2013.19466) @1995
Authors:   C. V. Schwab, A. R. Ralston, L. J. Miller, H.M. Hanna
Keywords:   Safety, Extension program, Survey, Prevention

The ways that Iowa farm operators and extension educators perceive potential hazards in agricultural operations significantly affects the potential for behavioral change. Data gathered through separate surveys of farm operators and extension educators in Iowa were compared with agricultural injury and fatality data collected by the Iowa Department of Public Healths SPRAINS project. Statewide results indicated that educators and operators perceptions about farm dangers did not correspond to each other and their perceptions did not correspond to the injury records. Results indicated that although many educators and operators in some regions of the state have similar perceptions about farm dangers, their perceptions do not agree with actual injury records. The analysis provides insight into the management of future efforts to promote safety education and to bring about behavioral changes that can reduce risks.

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