Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Ocular Trauma from Ballast Fluid after aTractorTire ExplosionPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 3(1): 41-54. (doi: 10.13031/2013.17748) @1997Authors: P. S. Thorne, P. Subramanian, J. E. Sutphin, M. E. O’Neill, R. Rautiainen, S. J. Reynolds, J. A. Merchant Keywords: Eye injury, Ocular trauma, Chemical burn,Tractor tire, Ballast fluid Agricultural injury is common and preventable. This study was carried out to investigate a preventable eye injury case in which a tire service employee was blinded while observing the charging of ballast fluid into a tractor tire on a farm. Ballast fluid is commonly added to tires to enhance tractor stability and traction. It is usually a calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution of sufficient concentration to prevent freezing in winter. In this case, in the course of pumping used ballast fluid into a 20-yr-old tire, the tire tread was breached and sprayed ballast fluid into the patients face. The force of the blast was sufficient to knock the patient backward and to break his eye glasses. The patient was transported directly to a local hospital where he received his initial first aid, 20 min after the fluid exposure. By that time there was severe ocular trauma. The patients left eye developed anterior segment necrosis that included the cornea, conjunctiva, and superficial sclera. The right eye showed conjunctival necrosis, corneal edema, scleral ischemia, and anterior segment inflammation. Analysis of the ballast fluid demonstrated apparent osmolality of 6960 mOsmL1, considerably higher than the physiologic value of 280 mOsmL1. 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one (BIT) and related compounds were identified and BIT was shown to be present at 680 ngmL1. The concentrations of organics in the fluid were likely too low to have contributed significantly to the injury. In vivo toxicology studies performed in anesthetized rabbits demonstrated that the ballast fluid administered without force could not reproduce the severity of injury observed in the patient. Based upon investigation of the incident, medical records, chemical analyses and toxicology studies, it appears that a combination of physical trauma and hyperosmotic tissue damage was the mechanism of injury. Early treatment by aggressive irrigation with water or saline in the field may have reduced the severity of the injury and prevented the patients blindness. However, changes in human factors (e.g., use of face shields, no spectators), equipment (e.g., automatic pressure relief valves on pumps), and environment (e.g., perform work in tire shops, place eyewash bottles on service vehicles) could have prevented or minimized this injury. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)