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Performance of narrow buffer strips in controlling agricultural pollution in NE Italy
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Citation: Paper number 022046, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9836) @2002
Authors: Borin Maurizio, Bigon Elisa
Keywords: Buffer strips, bromide, nitrates, dissolved phosphorus, herbicides, N biological attenuation
Buffer strips are unanimously recognised by researchers as an effective tool for reducing
diffuse pollution coming from agricultural fields in the lowlands, but there are contrasting reports
about the minimum width to obtain satisfactory results. Since narrow buffers are the more suitable for
the Italian territory, we studied the pollution control of a 6 m wide buffer.
The experiment was carried out during the period December 1997-June 1999 in N-E Italy, monitoring
the quality of subsurface water entering and exiting a buffer composed of a strip of grass (5 m wide)
and a line of woodland vegetation (1 m wide at the foot of the trees). 28 samplings for a total of 448
samples were taken, measuring the following parameters: pH, ECw, NO3-N, bromides, dissolved P,
herbicides (terbuthylazine, alachlor, nicosulfuron, pendimethalin, linuron).
Using bromide as tracer, the biological processes of nitrate decomposition have been detected.
Dissolved phosphorus concentrations were markedly reduced passing through the buffer and in most
cases exiting water satisfied the limit for avoiding eutrophication. A positive effect was also detected
on ECw (reduced by 25%), while pH was not significantly modified. Finally, the abatement of
herbicide concentration varied between 60 and 90%, depending on the chemical considered.
The results show the environmental value of water quality protection of this narrow buffer strip. The
data also suggest that its zone of influence might be bigger than its simple width. The abatement was
also efficient during winter.
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