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Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Rice Property Profiles in a Commercial-scale Cross-flow Dryer

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  026160,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9787) @2002
Authors:   GJ Schluterman, TJ Siebenmorgen
Keywords:   Rice, Drying, Cross-flow Dryer, Milling Quality, Glass Transition

A study was conducted using a cross-flow commercial rice dryer during the 2001 harvest. The objectives were to determine air temperature, relative humidity (RH), and rice moisture content (MC) profiles within the column of the dryer, and determine if the temperature of the rice exceeded glass transition temperature (Tg). This information is critical in predicting kernel material behavior, particularly in regards to head rice yields (HRY). Sensors were placed at strategic locations in the dryer to measure air temperature and RH. A psychrometric relationship between air temperature and RH existed for the drying air passing through the column of rice. Air temperature decreased rapidly into the rice column while RH correspondingly increased. Rice samples obtained within the column showed that rough rice MCs located next to the hot air plenum (HAP) were lower than MCs for the rice located near the exhaust. This was greatly affected by the MC of the rice entering the dryer and the temperature of the air used during drying. Temperature readings from sensors located nearest the HAP indicated that rice temperature exceeded Tg in some cases; reductions in HRY were observed in these cases.

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