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Dehulling of High Oil Sunflower Seed Grown in Argentina
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Citation: Paper number 026123, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9779) @2002
Authors: Nolasco, Susana M., Riccobene, Isabel C., Fernández, M. Belén
Keywords: Sunflower, Dehulling, Dehulling ability, high oil sunflower seed
In the oil industry, the partial dehulling of the sunflower seeds constitutes a stage that originates
relevant advantages such as a decreased volume of product to the fat; a minor erosion of the
presses, better quality of both the oil and the extract flour.
The objective of this work was to determine the optimum moisture content for the dehulling of the
high oil sunflower seed grown in Argentina considering both the fine production and the fine
composition during seed dehulling. Another aim was to explore the effect of thermal pre-treatments
on the seed dehulling ability.
A decrease in the moisture content of seeds increases not only their ability for dehulling but also the
amount of fines originated. This decrease also modified the fine composition, increasing its kernel
proportion. A curvilinear relationship accounted for most of 98% of changes in the total fines
production related with the moisture content. Changes in kernel percentage in fine were related with
changes in seed moisture content (R2=0.928). The optimum moisture was approximately 3% getting
the dehulling of about 53% of the seeds.
The results show significative differences in the dehulling ability when the thermal conditions of the
treatment were modified obtaining both a higher aptitude to dehulling and a higher fine production to
a higher temperature.
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