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Commingling Effects and Residual Grain during Grain Receiving

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  026111,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9775) @2002
Authors:   Maria Elena Ingles, Mark Casada, Ronaldo G. Maghirang
Keywords:   grain commingling, grain residual grain, segregation

Concern about the possible effects of genetically modified crops has increased the demand for segregating grains during handling and processing operations. Research on the amount of commingling of different grains in an elevator is limited. This study evaluated the level of commingling at a grain flow rate of 51 t/h (2000 bu/h) at the research elevator facility of the USDAARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center (GMPRC), Manhattan, Kansas. White corn was first loaded in the elevator followed by yellow corn. Samples were taken after the yellow corn had passed the elevator boot, weighing scale, and grain cleaner. Samples were sorted by color and components were weighed to determine commingling, defined as the percentage of unwanted grain in the total grain mass. Residual grain was also collected from each piece of equipment after each replication. Commingling for the first 380 kg (15 bu, approximately 1% of the leg rate per hour) was approximately 4%; it decreased to 0.5% within the first metric ton of load (2% of the leg rate per hour). Residual grain in the dump pit and elevator boot amounted to 0.24% and 1.41% of the total load, respectively. The process commingling after the receiving pit and elevator boot amounted to 0.15% while commingling percentages with weighing scale, grain cleaner and grain scalper were 0.18%, 0.28% and 0.01%, respectively.

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