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Developing Reuse Alternatives for Corn Masa Processing Byproduct Streams

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  026056,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9765) @2002
Authors:   Kurt A. Rosentrater, Thomas L. Richard, Carl J. Bern, Rolando A. Flores
Keywords:   Byproduct utilization, extrusion, recycling, simulation, systems analysis

Increasing production of corn masa for tortillas, chips, and related snack foods is resulting in large quantities of organic residuals requiring environmentally-sound management strategies. This study focused on developing value-added livestock feed from these processing byproducts. First, a complete physical and nutritional analysis was conducted. Laboratory-scale and pilot-scale extrusion trials were then performed. Finally, to assess the actual viability of a livestock feed material, an economic model was developed. Through a series of simulation runs with this model, it was determined that direct shipping was by far the most inexpensive means of recycling masa processing residuals as feed ingredients (10 to 57 $/Mg). Blending prior to shipping resulted in increased costs (3 to 15 times greater). Extrusion and pellet mill processing were considerably more expensive than direct shipping (5 to 18 times, and 4 to 18 times greater, respectively), while dehydration was clearly cost prohibitive (33 to 81 times greater). Based on this cost analysis, it is recommended that direct shipping and feeding to livestock be implemented as the recycling option of choice for masa processing byproducts. Although details of process configurations and costs will vary, similar results are likely for other high-moisture food processing residuals destined for utilization as livestock feed or components thereof.

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