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A Combined Convection Cooking and Salmonella Inactivation Model for Ground Meat and Poultry Patties

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  026046,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9763) @2002
Authors:   Adam E. Watkins, Bradley P. Marks
Keywords:   Cooking, Microbial Inactivation, Salmonella

A finite element model was developed for coupled heat and mass transfer in a ground meat patty undergoing moist-air impingement cooking. A method of calculating heat and mass transfer coefficients as a function of instantaneous process conditions was incorporated into the model in order to accurately describe the impingement boundary conditions during both condensing and evaporative regimes. The heat and mass transfer model was combined with a thermal inactivation model for Salmonella. Fifty-four ground beef patties were cooked in a commercial moist-air impingement oven for model validation. The predicted endpoint temperatures had a standard error of prediction of 5.4 C as compared to experimental data. The combined cooking/lethality model was used to illustrate the effects of process parameters on required cooking time to achieve a 7-log10 reduction of Salmonella in the patty.

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