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Comparative Analysis of Reversible Ploughs’s Frames

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  023001,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9607) @2002
Authors:   György Kerényi, Tamás Illés, István J. Jóri, Sándor Soós
Keywords:   Semi mounted reversible ploughs, plough’s frame, finite element

The ploughs can not be dimensioned properly by simple relations of stress analysis because of their stuctural complexity. Using adequate CAD system the process of design becomes shorter and more reliable. Creating numerical model the determination of the magnitude and location of the load is a fundamental requirement. During the operation of different types of reversible ploughs we have measured the stresses on one point of the main beam, the load on the leg of the ploughbody and the tractive power. On the calculations by the numerical model based on the frame structure of the ploughs and on the measured loads we have compared the magnitude of calculated and measured stresses on the given place of the main beam. This method verifies the correctness of the finite element model created for the frame structure of the ploughs and accelerates the process of development and design.

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