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Near-Field Trunk Space Dispersion

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  024017,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9530) @2002
Authors:   Harold Thistle, Gene Allwine, Brian Lamb, Tara Strand, Holly Peterson, Ed Holsten, Patrick Shea
Keywords:   Pheromone, horizontal dispersion, in-canopy dispersion, insect tracking, pest management

A near-field tracer study was conducted to study the movement and dispersion of gas in the lower forest canopy in an attempt to improve guidance for forest managers deploying anti-aggregation pheromone sources to protect high value forest stands. Data are shown from three forest canopies and include over 13000 chemical tracer samples compiled into half hour dispersion fields around a point source. A high frequency sampler was also deployed to ascertain the structure of the gas plumes at 1 Hz. The plumes showed strong Gaussian tendencies in many cases and very high peak-to-mean ratios. Average maximum /Q values were relatively consistent over the canopies studied though high variance in the maximum /Q values was observed.

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