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Evaluation of the Migratory Distance of Passive Transponders Injected In Different Body Sites of Broilers Using Electronic Identification

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  024224,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9394) @2002
Authors:   Iran José Oliveira da Silva, Daniella Jorge de Moura, Kelly Botigeli Sevegnani, Heliton Pandorfi, Luiz Carlos Roma Júnior, Ivan Wladimir Caro
Keywords:   Electronic identification, Passive transponder, Migration, Broiler

The present work is the first step of a main research that will study the behavior of broilers submitted to thermal stress conditions, using electronic identification devices. The objective of this work was to evaluate the best body site of broilers to inject passive transponders. Twenty two broilers with 35 days old were subcutaneously injected with glass encapsulated passive transponders (Destron, 2,2 x 11,5 mm) . Five body regions were considered: crest, thigh, chest, foot, and neck. The migration of the transponders, the ease of injection and animal reactions were evaluated. Animals were radiographed in the same day, 2 and 7 days post injection to evaluate the migration distance from the injection point. Migration increased significantly with time in thigh and chest that had the highest values (29,6 and 63,5mm) respectively. Crest, neck and foot showed the lowest values of migration (2,8mm, 4,0mm and 11,2mm) respectively, which didnt differ significantly between them. The results suggested firstly the crest, secondly the neck and than the feet as suitable injection sites. Further researches are needed to investigate the readability of the transponders in these body sites.

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