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A Comparison of Optimal Control Algorithms for Vibration Attenuation of Agricultural Spray Booms

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  023083,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9332) @2002
Authors:   N.A.Sigrimis, K.G.Arvanitis, G.D.Pasgianos,
Keywords:   Precision agriculture, sprayers, active structural control, LQ regulation, multirate systems

Classical linear-quadratic-regulators (LQR) provide the basis of well-known active optimal problems in mechanical and agricultural engineering. They concern control of linear dynamical systems with a quadratic cost function. Their efficiency deteriorates as the uncertainty of the loading and/or of the structural system becomes higher. For this reason, innovative optimal structural control schemes are studied in this paper. They are based on the theory of multirate linear quadratic regulators and allow for several improvements as well as for the integration of several hardware and software components for the realization of the proposed control. The advantages of multirate linear quadratic control are shown on a concrete application of an actively controlled sprayer boom attached on a tractor, a system that is widely used in agricultural applications.

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