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Advances in Pesticide Electrostatic Spraying Research in China

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  021034,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9304) @2002
Authors:   Jiaqiang Zheng, Hongping Zhou, Youlin Xu,
Keywords:   Pesticide application, Electrostatic spraying, Research, China

The paper reviewed the fundamental theory, testing, measurement and practical applications of pesticide electrostatic spraying conducted in China. For the electrostatic spraying fundaments, the paper analyzed the effect of electrostatic field on liquid surface tension, the electrostatic atomization mechanism, the electrostatic charging methods, the electrostatic field and target surface charge distribution, and the charged droplet force analysis of electrostatic spraying toward tree canopy. It introduced the electrostatic spraying experimental facilities and experiments, such as, the determinations of droplet size spectrum, charge-to-mass ratio, droplet velocity distribution, droplet deposition uniformity. It introduced the application practices of electrostatic spraying, such as, the wind-driven rotary-cage electrostatic atomizer, the application of killing indoor caged flies, and the Locust control application. The results of our studies showed that electrostatic spray could produce uniform and fine droplets with better droplet adhesion and distribution, higher depositing efficiency, lower environmental contamination, lower pesticide application rate, less pesticide application expenses and longer pesticide action period than that of conventional sprays.

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