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Site-Specific Study of Corn Protein, Oil, and Extractable Starch Variability using NIT Spectroscopy

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  021111,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9149) @2002
Authors:   Mukti Singh, Marvin R. Paulsen, Lei Tian, Haibo Yao
Keywords:   Corn, starch, protein, oil, nitrogen, near-infrared, spectroscopy, site specific, precision agriculture

Global positioning systems enable precise pinpointing of field locations for fertilizer and herbicide applications as well as moisture and yield monitoring. To determine variability in corn protein, oil, starch, and extractable starch, near-infrared transmission (NIT) was used on samples from 640 sub plots that varied in nitrogen, population and hybrid. Protein increased while starch content and extractable starch decreased significantly with increases in nitrogen. Oil percentages did not vary significantly with nitrogen fertility increases.

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