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Mass-Balance of Pheromone Surrogate Plumes in the Canopy Trunk Space

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  021006,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9140) @2002
Authors:   Harold Thistle, Holly Peterson, Brian Lamb, Tara Strand, Gene Allwine, Ed Holsten, Patrick Shea
Keywords:   Pheromone, in-canopy dispersion, mass balance, SF6

A large, multi-year study has been completed to evaluate the dispersion of insect pheromone in forest canopy trunk spaces. The study was undertaken to guide operational pest managers in the placement of pheromone sources in forest canopies. A very dense network of tracer sampling devices was deployed and over 200 average (half-hourly) plumes consisting of over 13000 chemical samples are available for analysis. This spatially dense near-field array provides an important opportunity to conduct a mass balance exercise. The subset of tests analyzed here indicates that mass recovery in this situation is possible within a factor of two and often close to 100%, though even in this dense sampler field there is substantial uncertainty and a tendency to over recover (>100%).

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