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Spray distribution when spraying potatoes with a conventional or an air-assisted field boom sprayer

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  021003,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.9139) @2002
Authors:   J.C. van de Zande, J.M.G.P. Michielsen, H. Stallinga, H.A.J. Porskamp, H.J. Holterman & J.F.M. Huijsmans
Keywords:   crop protection, pesticides application, spray drift, spray deposition, classification, droplet size, boom sprayer, air assistance, potato, mass balance

In a newly introduced policy programme for the period 2001 to 2010 the Dutch government has formulated new goals on the reduction of chemical pesticide use and emissions to the environment. To realise these goals the development of integrated crop protection on certified farms is to be introduced. Within this concept it is suggested to develop a classification system for application techniques based on the assessment of spray deposition and biological efficacy at the target crop and the soil underneath and spray drift losses to surface water and the air. This paper presents data for potato spraying, comparing a conventional boom sprayer with an air-assisted boom sprayer. Spray distribution in potato canopy is quantified on three leaf levels and top- and bottom side of the leaves. Underneath the canopy on the soil surface a difference is found in spray deposition between on top of the ridges and between. On the edge of the field spray drift to the air and deposition on soil surface is evaluated. It can be concluded that spray techniques can be evaluated and ranked according to spray deposit, ground deposit due to spray drift and airborne drift. Spray mass balance could be an entry for spray technique classification.

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