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Strategies for Soil Sampling and Multi-Layers Maps Generation through Geostatic Tools: Development of a Computational System

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Pp. 244-249 in Proceedings of the World Congress of Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources (13-15, March 2002, Iguacu Falls, Brazil)  701P0301.(doi:10.13031/2013.8337)
Authors:   L. G. Vendrusculo, P. S. G. Magalhães and S. R. Vieira
Keywords:   geostatistics, soil sampling, Delphi Application, precision farming

The growing demand for agricultural land is obliging the productive agents to adopt modern methods and techniques to improve yield . Mapping soil attributes has proved to be an important tools in the productivity analysis process. It is known that different soil properties are established when analyzing patterns of spatial and temporal variability. Geostatistic has been applied in the estimation and mapping of soil attributes in unsampled areas. Nevertheless, unlike classical statistics, the geostatistic takes into account the distance between samples pairs to better explain the variance and to estimate values in not sampled areas. Precision Farming comprises geostatistic and other techniques that deal with a specific management system to each field. The purpose of the precision farming is to increase the production while guaranteeing the environmental quality and waste reduction. The objective of this paper is to describe a computer program based on Windows Interfaces (Borland Delphi), able to elaborate soil maps and to perform the analyses in soil multi-layers through the use of geostatistic tools (Classical statistical calculations, Average and Directional semivariograms, Cross- semivariogram, and Simple Kriging and Cokriging estimation and Jack- knifing calculations). The system is practical to a small number of soil sampling schemes. Field data was used to assess the accuracy between the measured and estimated values.

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