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Nozzle Flowrate Modulation Capability of PWM Valves Operated at High Frequencies and Pressures

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of the ASABE. 67(6): 1521-1532. (doi: 10.13031/ja.16128) @2024
Authors:   Javier Campos, Heping Zhu, Hongyoung Jeon, Ramón Salcedo, Erdal Ozkan
Keywords:   Agrochemical, Flow rate control, Modulation frequency, Pressure drop, Pulse width modulation, Variable rate sprayer.


PWM valves were tested for accurate modulation of hollow-cone nozzle flowrates up to 40 Hz PWM frequency.

Flowrates of nozzles at high pressures increased linearly as PWM duty cycles increased.

Modulation frequency affected flowrates slightly but not pressure drops when liquid was passing through valves.

Integrating these valves into variable-rate sprayers could potentially improve the application efficiency.

Abstract. Pulse width modulation (PWM) solenoid valves are a critical component of precision sprayers equipped with crop detection sensors to achieve accurate variable-rate applications of pesticide in real time. However, the slow speed of PWM valves can impede the efficiency of high-speed detection sensors. Based on previous investigations of 12 commercially available PWM valves operated up to 50 Hz frequencies, two of the valves with the highest modulation capability were selected for continuous investigations on their flow rate modulation accuracy and pressure stability for hollow-cone nozzles. Tests were conducted with two different-sized hollow-cone nozzles controlled by each PWM valve. Variables included 4 modulation frequencies ranging from 10 to 40 Hz, 6 duty cycles (DUCs) from 10% to 100%, and 3 operating pressures (1034, 1380, and 2068 kPa). Flow rates were measured by instantaneously weighing the mass of water discharged from nozzles while pressure profiles were measured with two pressure transducers located upstream and downstream the PWM valve. In general, both PWM valves were able to modulate flow rates of the two hollow-cone nozzles up to 40 Hz modulation frequencies with limited DUC ranges even though one valve performed slightly better than the other. When the nozzles were manipulated functionally with assigned DUCs and frequencies, the flow rate modulation errors of PWM valves ranged between 0% and 35%, while the average root mean square errors (RMSEs) ranged between 6.9% and 14.7% for combinations of all pressures, frequencies, and DUCs tested. Thus, there would be potential benefits to integrating these two high-frequency PWM valves into precision orchard sprayers operated at high pressures to further improve the variable-rate application accuracy.

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