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Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan ASAE ANSI/ASABE 625.2 August 2024Keywords: Drawbar pin, Hitch pin, Pin strength, Towed equipment, Towing hitch 1 Purpose and Scope This standard establishes dimensional and minimum strength requirements for agricultural drawbar hitch pins used in single point attaching of a towed machine to towing machines. Application of this standard assumes a clevis conforming to ANSI/ASABE AD6489-3:2004 and a ring conforming to ISO 21244. Additionally, this standard defines loading conditions for drawbar pin retention systems. When the towing machine does not conform to ANSI/ASABE AD 6489-3:2004 or the towed machine does not conform to ISO 21244, fit and performance of pins designed per this standard may be affected. However, usage of applicable specifications derived from this standard is encouraged for such cases. NOTE: ANSI/ASABE AD6489-3:2004 and ISO 21244 provide essential information related to tractor drawbars and associated implement hitch rings. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)
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