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High-Resolution Sensor System to Investigate Solute Transport in Saturated Sediments  Public Access Limited Time

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of the ASABE. 67(4): 909-915. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15876) @2024
Authors:   Eatedal Alqusaireen, Claudio Meier, Farhad Jazaei
Keywords:   Hyporheic exchange flow, Saturated sediments, Sensor, Solute transport.


Innovative sensor system was developed to detect solute transport at very high time resolutions.

The sensors measure electrical conductivity as voltage drops at a frequency of up to 10 Hz, allowing for detailed solute breakthrough curves (BTCs).

One-dimensional solute transport equations were modeled numerically using the finite differences technique, and the results show good agreement between the modeled BTCs and those obtained in the laboratory for all materials.

Abstract. Hyporheic exchange flow, the movement of river water into streambed sediments and its subsequent return to the surface water after suffering biogeochemical transformations, impacts a stream‘s water quality and ecology. These processes, which are the basis for the self-purification capacity of river systems, depend on the quantity and travel time of the flow within the sediments. Different tracer-based approaches have been deployed for studying flow in saturated sediments, but few of these experimental methodologies are able to attain the high temporal resolutions that are needed to adequately capture the passage of a solute plume in a porous medium. To allow for a better description of such flows, we designed and fabricated an innovative, low-cost sensor system able to detect solute transport at multiple locations simultaneously at very high time resolutions. The sensors measure electrical conductivity as voltage drops at a frequency of up to 10 Hz, allowing for detailed solute breakthrough curves (BTCs). The fabricated sensors were tested in a laboratory experimental setup designed to examine solute transport under conditions that reproduce 1D flow in saturated sediments. The sensor system was able to successfully detect electrical conductivity (expressed as voltage drop) in real-time, at high temporal resolution, and at multiple locations. Solute BTCs collected with the system were consistent and highly repeatable under the same conditions. One-dimensional solute transport equations were modeled numerically using the finite differences technique, and the results showed good agreement between the measured and modeled BTCs for all materials. The proposed system is inexpensive compared to conventional EC probes, easy to operate, and sensitive to low solute concentrations.

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