Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Experimental Studies on the Energy Consumption of the Sliding and Shearing Combined Sugarcane BasecutterPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 67(4): 955-963. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15814) @2024Authors: Jun Qian, Shaochun Ma, Yang Xu, Changyu Wang, Wenzhi Li, Peng Huo, Sha Yang Keywords: Energy consumption, Response surface experiments, Single-factor experiments, Sliding cutting, Sugarcane. Highlights The sliding and shearing combined basecutter was proposed, and the main structure and working principle were analyzed. The motion trajectory of basecutter was explored when the angle between basecutter and ground were 0 and α, and the absolute velocity were obtained. The relationship between feeding speed, rotational speed, tilt angle, and energy consumption was not linear, while the sugarcane cluster diameter was approximately positively correlated with energy consumption. The influence order of factors on energy consumption in this study was rotational speed > feeding speed > tilt angle, and the optimal parameter combination was feeding speed 1.2 m/s, rotational speed 290 r/min, tilt angle 14°, and sugarcane cluster diameter 3 cm. Abstract. Sugarcane is an important economic and sugar crop. Existing sugarcane basecutters have problems associated with large cutting resistance, high energy consumption, and poor cutting quality. Based on the sliding and shearing combined basecutter, the energy consumption of cutting cane was studied. The structure and working principle of the basecutter were stated, and the motion trajectory was also analyzed. The stubble cutting quality of the sliding and shearing combined basecutter was better than that of the disc type basecutter explored in previous research. However, the relationship between factors and energy consumption was not studied. Therefore, the influence of the rotational speed (RS), feeding speed (FS), sugarcane cluster diameter (CD), and tilt angle (TA) on the cutting energy consumption was explored. The single-factor experiments and response surface experiments were conducted. The single-factor test results showed the energy consumption decreased first and then increased with RS, FS, and TA within the selected range, while the energy consumption was approximately proportional to the sugarcane cluster diameter. The post hoc test was conducted, and the significance of factor levels was tested at a 95% confidence level. The analysis of variance result showed the influencing order of the three factors on energy consumption was RS > FS > TA. The optimal parameter combination was feeding speed 1.2 m/s, rotational speed 290 r/min, and tilt angle 14°. After the validation test, the difference between the actual value and the predicted value was less than 10%; therefore, this study was reliable. The results could provide a reference for the structure improvement and performance optimization of sugarcane harvesters. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)