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Determination of Needle Penetration Force and Pump Pressure for the Development of an Automated Trunk Injection System for HLB-Affected Citrus Trees

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of the ASABE. 67(4): 835-842. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15975) @2024
Authors:   Israel Ojo, Yiannis Ampatzidis, Antonio de Oliveira Costa Neto, Haimanote Bayabil, John K. Schueller, Ozgur Batuman
Keywords:   Automated trunk injection, Drill-free, Huanglongbing, Plant diseases.


An equation was developed for estimating the needle penetration force required for trunk injection.

A method to determine the required pump pressure for citrus tree trunk injection was developed.

This information can be used for the development of a drill-free, pressurized, automated trunk injection system.

Abstract. Targeted precise management of intravascular diseases such as citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) involves the application of therapeutics via trunk injection. Although trunk injection has proven more effective than foliar spray and soil drenching, multiple studies have highlighted limitations for large-scale commercial tree crop applications because of the manual process involved, emphasizing the need for an automated injection system. The design of a trunk injection mechanism to efficiently dispense aqueous therapeutic materials to the trunk of HLB-affected citrus trees requires the characterization of the hydraulic properties of the trunk and the determination of the penetration force of a dispensing needle. This study developed an equation for estimating penetration force at maximum depth based on the needle diameter, depth of penetration, and specific gravity of the wood tissue, and presents a method for estimating injection pump pressure. Trunk hydraulic conductance was measured using a hydraulic conductance flow meter, and needle insertion and removal force were measured using a force gauge in an Instron universal testing machine. The average maximum force was 2517, 3739, and 5387 N for dowel pins 4.76, 6.35, and 7.93 mm in diameter at a 12 mm penetration depth. Average specific conductivity was 2.45, 0.34, and 0.15 kgs−1m−1MPa−1for trunk segments 0–12.7, 12.7–26.7, and 26.7–40.6 cm above the ground, with a corresponding estimated pump pressure of 0.14, 0.99, and 2.31 MPa, respectively.

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