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Agricultural Field Equipment Braking - Part 5: Requirements for the Interface between Towing Vehicle and Towed Vehicles  Public Access

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASABE S648-5.2   December  2022

Keywords: Brake, Definitions, Implements, Safety, Test, Tractor, Trailers, Vehicle


This part of ANSI/ASABE S648 establishes the minimum requirements for interfacing the service brake system and parking brake system on towing agricultural field equipment with the service brake system and parking brake system on towed agricultural field equipment.

The requirements of this part of ANSI/ASABE S648 are applicable to dual line hydraulic and pneumatic systems but does not preclude the use of other equivalent systems.

These requirements and minimum performance criteria are directed to the operation and parking of agricultural field equipment having a maximum design ground speed greater than 6 km/h (3.7 mile/h).

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