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Equipment for harvesting - Combine harvesters - Test procedure and performance assessment  Public Access

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASABE/ISO 8210-2022   September  2022

Keywords: Capacity, Combine, Crop, Harvester, Harvesting, Loss levels, Performance testing, Residue, Test procedure

This ASABE standard can be purchased from ASABE Headquarters by contacting the Order Department at 1-800-695-2723 or .

Because this ISO document was not based on ASABE documents/standards the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requires ASABE to pay royalties on every copy sold or distributed, including electronic formats.

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASABE/ISO 8210:2021 SEP2022 specifies a test procedure for the measurement and testing of combine harvesters. It applies to either self-propelled or trailed type, either directly cutting the crop or picking it up from a windrow, for use in several crops.

Scope: This document specifies the terminology and methods to be used for measuring important characteristics of combine harvesters. It includes both functional and capacity tests, in other words, those conducted over an extended period when ease of operation, ease of adjustment, rate of work and general operating characteristics can be assessed, and those carried out on specific occasions for the determination of grain loss and capacity characteristics.

It applies to all types of combine harvesters.

ASABE/ISO 8210-2022 Equipment for harvesting - Combine harvesters - Test procedure and performance assessment, has been approved by ASABE. This standard is an identical adoption of the identically titled ISO standard ISO 8210:2021.

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