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Equipment for harvesting - Combine harvesters and functional components - Vocabulary  Public Access

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASABE/ISO 6689:2021   September  2022

Keywords: Auger, Combine, Crops, Cylinder, Definition, Feed, Feed rates, Grain, Harvest, Harvester, Header, Rotor, Separator, Terminology, Threshing

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Because this ISO document was not based on ASABE documents/standards the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requires ASABE to pay royalties on every copy sold or distributed, including electronic formats.

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Scope: ASABE/ISO 6689:2021 SEP2022 specifies terms and definitions related to combine harvesters and their component parts. It identifies dimensions and other characteristics aimed at allowing comparison of operations of the component parts, in association with ISO 8210, which lays down methods of measuring characteristics and performance requirements for the terms defined.

ASABE/ISO 6689:2021 SEP2022, Equipment for harvesting — Combine harvesters and functional components — Vocabulary, has been approved by ASABE. This standard is an identical adoption of the identically titled ISO standard ISO 6689:2021.

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