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Apple Disease Recognition Based on Small-scale Data Sets

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 37(3): 481-490. (doi: 10.13031/aea.14187) @2021
Authors:   Chenyong Song, Dongwei Wang, Haoran Bai, Weihao Sun
Keywords:   Apple disease identification, Data enhancement, DCGAN, GoogLeNet.


The proposed data enhancement method can be used for small-scale data sets with rich sample image features.

The accuracy of the new model reaches 98.5%, which is better than the traditional CNN method.

Abstract: GoogLeNet offers far better performance in identifying apple disease compared to traditional methods. However, the complexity of GoogLeNet is relatively high. For small volumes of data, GoogLeNet does not achieve the same performance as it does with large-scale data. We propose a new apple disease identification model using GoogLeNet‘s inception module. The model adopts a variety of methods to optimize its generalization ability. First, geometric transformation and image modification of data enhancement methods (including rotation, scaling, noise interference, random elimination, color space enhancement) and random probability and appropriate combination of strategies are used to amplify the data set. Second, we employ a deep convolution generative adversarial network (DCGAN) to enhance the richness of generated images by increasing the diversity of the noise distribution of the generator. Finally, we optimize the GoogLeNet model structure to reduce model complexity and model parameters, making it more suitable for identifying apple tree diseases. The experimental results show that our approach quickly detects and classifies apple diseases including rust, spotted leaf disease, and anthrax. It outperforms the original GoogLeNet in recognition accuracy and model size, with identification accuracy reaching 98.5%, making it a feasible method for apple disease classification.

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