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Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactor Leachate Tannic Acid and True Color: Lab and Field Studies  Open Access

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 63(6): 1747-1757. (doi: 10.13031/trans.14020) @2020
Authors:   Niranga M. Wickramarathne, Richard A. Cooke, Ruth Book, Laura E. Christianson
Keywords:   Chemical oxygen demand, Oak, Tannin, Water quality, Wood leachate.


Oak leached more tannic acid, true color, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) than ash and mixed hardwood chips.

The factors became similar (tannic acid, COD) or below stream levels (true color) after flushing.

Eleven site-years of field bioreactor data showed decreasing tannic acid and true color over time.

Post-startup tannic acid was lower in bioreactor outflow than in area streams.

True color did not appear to be a reliable indicator of leachate tannic acid at low concentrations.

Abstract. Woodchips have been a preferred denitrifying bioreactor medium to date, but concerns about potential harmful effects of tannins in the leachate have precluded the use of oak chips in many installations. A study was conducted to compare the suitability of oak (genus Quercus) woodchips as a denitrifying bioreactor medium relative to other types of woodchips, both in lab leachate tests and in the context of observed bioreactor leaching in the field. Assessment measures included the content of tannic acid and other compounds in the leachate, as well as leachate color, which can often be high during startup. An 84-day leaching test using rectangular bioreactor cells filled with either oak (Quercus rubra), ash (Fraxinus spp. L.), or a generic hardwood blend showed that oak initially leached higher concentrations of tannic acid, true color, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) than the other two media. The significant differences in leached concentrations among the three wood types were eliminated after a finite leaching period. Tannic acid and true color in 11 site-years of field bioreactor outflow data generally decreased over time, except following a dry period when one of the bioreactors received no drainage inflow for more than two months. The lab and field results indicated the capability of woodchip bioreactors to flush at least these two analytes to ambient stream levels. True color did not appear to be the best parameter for estimating the tannin content of woodchip leachate due to discrepancies at low concentrations. Mass normalized tannic acid leaching ranged from 0.03 to approximately 40 mg tannic acid g-1 woodchip across the lab and field assessments. Oak initially leached more tannic acid, color, and COD than the other wood types, but the eventual similarity among the wood types after flushing with a sufficient number of pore volumes meant that any potentially negative environmental impacts would likely be limited to the startup period or possibly after dry periods. Oak initially eluted higher mean total nitrogen (TN) concentrations than the other wood types, but the treatments were not significantly different by day 3, indicating that biological N removal was not significantly inhibited, even with high concentrations of tannic acid.

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