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Safety for Power Take-off (PTO), PTO Drive Shaft, and Power Input Connection (PIC) for Agricultural Field Equipment

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASABE S604.3   October  2020

Keywords: Definitions, Drive shaft, Guarding, Manuals, Power take-off, Safety, Safety signs, Shielding, Transport

1 Scope

1.1 This standard is a guide to provide a reasonable degree of personal safety for operators and other persons during normal operation and servicing of the power take-off (PTO) drive shafts of a tractor or self-propelled machine used in agriculture and the power input connection (PIC) of its implement, in addition to what is given in ANSI/ASABE AD5673-1:2005. It is applicable only to those PTO drive shafts and guards mechanically linked to the shaft by at least two bearings.

1.2 It is not applicable to PTO drive shafts guarded by location or to the mechanical characteristics of overrun devices and torque limiters, nor are environmental aspects considered; neither is it applicable to PTO drive shafts and their guards manufactured before the date of its publication, neither is it applicable to service parts for agricultural equipment for field or stationary operation manufactured before the date of this publication.

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