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Digital Technologies for Mapping Hazard Risk Assessments: Implications for a New and Emerging Agricultural Workforce
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Citation: 2020 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting 2000239.(doi:10.13031/aim.202000239)
Authors: Michael L Pate, Nathan Moyer, Serap Gorucu, Casper Bendixsen
Keywords: Risk Assessment, Safety, Workers, Youth,
Abstract. website was launched to be a user friendly and intuitive method to assist production agricultural worksites with properly identifying and assessing injury risks through mobile devices. Moving assessment tools to a digital platform signals advancement in safety and health management tools. However, an emerging workforce, who are often referred to as digital natives, may ultimately hold insights to the functionality and accessibility of the mobile friendly hazard assessment tool. An informational presentation was developed and delivered to youth engaged in FFA and 4H. Participants were from the Pennsylvania and Utah. After the presentation, participants were recruited to register for the tool. Students practice the functions of the tool assessing one tractor, one PTO-powered machine, and one agricultural structure. Participants then completed a user experience survey. Preliminary results showed that a third of participants (47%) indicated “it‘s okay” when asked if the resource was interesting to use. Only 28% of participants indicated they were able to add the names of tractors, machines, and structures very easily. A quarter of participants (16.4%) indicated that the prompts were very useful in helping them understand what to do. Almost half of participants (48.5%) indicated the features and components worked at an average speed. This tool addresses the need for relevant and real time risk assessment on farms among young, less experienced workers. Incentives to use the tool should be considered by management personnel. Connecting risk assessment/management with successful agricultural careers will provide practical methods for improving worksite safety.
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