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Agricultural Work-Related Fatalities to Non-Working Youth: Implications for Intervention Development

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 26(1): 31-43. (doi: 10.13031/jash.13691) @2020
Authors:   Michael Lynn Pate, Serap Görücü
Keywords:   Agriculture, Bystander, Child, Fatality, Passenger, Safety, Workplace.


A total of 69 fatalities were recorded, with the largest proportion of fatalities (74%) involving children <5 years old.

Most victims (75%, n = 52) were male.

The process of identifying different injury patterns associated with non-work-related child activity has increased our understanding of how safety professionals and community members may help prevent these fatalities.

The cases presented warrant investigation and commitment to environment modifications as well as parental enforcement to limit child exposure to worksite hazards.

Abstract. This article presents data for agricultural work-related fatal injuries to non-working youth (<18 years old) in Pennsylvania. Cases were identified from the Pennsylvania Farm Fatality (PA-FF) database for the period 2000-2018. The circumstances of the death in each incident were reviewed from news clippings, death certificates, and other reports available to determine the victim‘s status as a bystander, passenger, or other non-working child. The study identified 69 agricultural work-related fatalities to non-working youth in Pennsylvania. Incidents were coded as non-working accomplice (26), non-working accomplice extra rider (14), non-working attendant (25), and ambiguous (4). Fatalities to children <5 years old accounted for 74% of the non-working youth fatalities, and most (75%) of the victims were male. Plain Sect community members (Anabaptists) comprised 78% of the cases. Children contribute significantly to the overall burden of agricultural work-related fatal injuries in Pennsylvania, especially as bystanders. From the review of the data, we conclude that fatal injuries to non-working children on farms are preventable. The process of identifying different injury patterns associated with non-work-related child activity has increased our understanding of how safety professionals and community members may help prevent these fatalities. Many researchers have noted a variety of intervention efforts that show potential for providing safer farm and home environments but will need long-term commitments in various capacities.

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