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2000-RPM Front and Mid PTO for Lawn and Garden Ride-on Tractors and Commercial Turf Equipment, Mid PTO for Compact Utility Tractors

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE S431.4   May  2019

Keywords: Commercial turf equipment, Compact utility tractors, Garden, Lawn, Lawn and garden ride-on tractor, Lawn ride-on tractor, Power take-off, Safety, Spline

1 Purpose and Scope

1.1 This standard provides general specifications, including control, dimensions, speed and direction of rotation for power take-off shafts and the mating attachment connector for front-mounted power take-offs (PTOs) on lawn and garden ride-on tractors, commercial turf equipment, and lawn ride-on tractors; and for mid-mounted PTOs on lawn and garden ride-on tractors, commercial turf equipment, lawn ride-on tractors, and compact utility tractors.

1.2 This Standard does not address geometry or shielding of the attachment driveline.

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