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Seed Cotton Module Identification System

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASABE S647.1   January  2025

Keywords: : Cotton, Identification, Module

1 Scope

1.1  The scope of the standard is limited to identification of seed cotton modules and the technology to read the identifiers. It does not address data transfer beyond the identifier such as area harvested, location, or ownership information.

1.2  The identifier is meant to provide a link between the field and the gin and to also allow association of bale related data back to the module. Actual use of the association between the bale numbers and module identifier is at the discretion of the gin and producer.

1.3  This standard is designed for global applications so that manufacturers of the enabling technologies and others should expect that if the system defined in this standard is followed, it can be applied to any cotton production system in the world.

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