Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Precision Agriculture Irrigation Language: Irrigation System OperationsPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan ASAE ANSI/ASABE S632-3 June 2018Keywords: Controllers, Irrigation, Sensors, System integration 1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this part of the Standard is to present an object model and reference XML serialization schema to represent the specification and reporting of irrigation water and product applications in an irrigation system. The scope includes planning and preparation phases (represented by documents called Plan, Recommendation and Work Order) as well as the recording of as-applied water and products (known as a Work Record). The scope of this document does not, however, include representing the Observations and Measurements that drive tactical decision-making in irrigation (and the creation of Recommendations and Work Orders); that material, corresponding to an irrigation-specific implementation of the ISO 19156 standard, is covered in Part 2 of this standard. This standard should enable a developer to unambiguously represent the data being communicated in various parts of the farmer's business process associated with irrigation field operations in terms of a set of classes based on the ISO 111783 standard. The Standard is meant to support the The standard does not specify any type of “summary” report. This is intentional. The information contained in a collection of standard-compliant documents will be sufficient to create a summary of irrigation applications. Actual summarization of irrigation requires aggregation, and the method or scope of aggregation is often derived from specific reporting requirements. This standard is neutral with regard to reporting requirements because these requirements are typically derived from a regional, basin, or administrative unit scale and are, therefore, out of scope. It is important to note that standard-compliant documents are intended for documenting operation or use of equipment, not the design of equipment. Many characteristics of an irrigation system are relevant for documenting the system‘s design but not necessarily for documenting its use. For example, the pipe diameter of a pivot lateral is typically included in its specification. Documenting how much water the pivot applied does not require knowledge of the pipe diameter. Documentation of engineering design is out of scope for the Standard. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)
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