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The Accuracy of Distribution Uniformity Test under Different Moving Irrigation Systems

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting  1800591.(doi:10.13031/aim.201800591)
Authors:   Abdelmoneim Zakaria Mohamed, Troy Robert Peters, Abid Sarwar, Don McMoran
Keywords:   Catch can test, Distribution uniformity, LESA, MESA, LMSI, Sprinkler irrigation


The global crisis of water shortage has led to many developments in irrigation technologies. Center pivot (CP) and Linear move irrigation system (LMIS) are widely used in the Western United States. Development continues to address the water scarcity and to eliminate the wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL) which are the primary losses in sprinkler irrigation. LESA (Low Elevation Spray Application) helps overcome that problem. Distribution uniformity is considered a good indicator of the system performance and has been subject to research in the US since the 1970s. A new method of estimating the optimum container distance is introduced in this paper to improve the accuracy of distribution uniformity tests in conjunction with the sprinkler distance under two different irrigation systems, the conventional CP, MESA (Mid Elevation Spray Application), and LESA, with sprinkler distance 3 m (10 ft.), and 1.5 m (5 ft.), respectively. The results showed that the absolute number or placement of the containers under MESA should not exceed double of the sprinkler spacing, 6m (20 ft.), and was the same distance of sprinkler 1.5m (5 ft.) under LESA. The results of this research can be used as a reference for catch can distribution uniformity tests under different moving irrigation systems.

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