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V-Belt and V-Ribbed Belt Drives for Agricultural Machines

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE S211.7   July  2017

Keywords: Belt, V-belt

2 Scope

2.1 This Standard establishes acceptable manufacturing tolerances, methods of measuring, and proper application for drives using V-belts or V-ribbed belts. They may be used individually or in matched sets.

2.2 This Standard is unique to agricultural belt drives and should be used in lieu of standards for industrial drives published by the Association for Rubber Product Manufacturers.

2.3 This Standard does not specify the load-life characteristics of belts.

2.4 This Standard does not include belts for automotive accessory drives, flat conveyor belting, flat power transmission belts, or synchronous belts.

2.5 The term belt(s) used throughout this Standard means V-belt(s) and V-ribbed belt(s).

2.6 In the interest of international standardization, metric-SI units, consistent with ISO 80000-1:2009, Quantities and units - Part 1: General, are included in Tables 1a through 15a.

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