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Modeling of Subsurface Drainage under Varying Microtopographic, Soil and Rainfall Conditions

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  2016 10th International Drainage Symposium Conference, 6-9 September 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota  .(doi:10.13031/IDS.20162499952)
Authors:   Mohsen Tahmasebi Nasab, Xinhua Jia, Xuefeng Chu
Keywords:   Hydrologic modeling, infiltration, subsurface drainage, surface microtopography

Abstract. Modeling infiltration and subsurface drainage is of profound importance for agricultural water management and the related field activities. As one of the key factors of site characteristics, surface microtopography may lead to significant changes in infiltration and, consequently, subsurface drainage. This study is aimed to examine spatio-temporal variations in infiltration, wetting front movement, soil water content, and deep subsurface drainage under varying microtopographic conditions, soil types (both homogeneous and layered soils), and complex rainfall patterns (steady and unsteady rainfall, single and multiple events). Specifically, a quasi-3D puddle-to-puddle (P2P) model is utilized to simulate microtopography-controlled overland flow, infiltration, and unsaturated flow. The P2P model takes full consideration of surface depressions and their hydrologic functions and allows modeling for various soil and rainfall conditions. The results from a series of modeling scenarios pinpoint the impacts of surface microtopography on soil moisture and unsaturated flow, and in particular, demonstrate its significant influence on subsurface drainage.

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