Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Agricultural tractors and machinery - General purpose quick-action hydraulic couplersPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan ASAE ANSI/ASABE AD5675:2008 (R2020) June 2016Keywords: Couplers, Hydraulic, Quick Disconnects, Tractors 0 Foreword 0.1 ANSI/ASABE AD5675:2008 MONYEAR, Agricultural tractors and machinery - General purpose quick-action hydraulic couplers, is an adoption with deviations of the identically titled ISO standard ISO 5675:2008, Agricultural tractors and machinery - General purpose quick-action hydraulic couplers. Deviations noted in the following Foreword sections pertain to those provisions where harmonization could not be achieved between ASABE and the International Standard. Deviations from the subsequently printed international standard are noted with underscore (addition) or strikethrough (deletions) text. Deviations from the international standard figures, tables and equations are clearly marked. 0.2 ANSI/ASABE AD5675:2008 JUN2016 specifies the essential interface dimensions, as defined in ISO 7241:2014, and the operating requirements for hydraulic couplers employed to transmit hydraulic power from agricultural tractors to agricultural machinery. It is applicable to couplers used in hydraulic lines other than those used for braking circuits (see ISO 5676). 0.3 Two normative references are listed in ISO 5675:2008. The responsible ASABE committee has reviewed these references and approved the following deviation. 0.3.1 Replace the reference ISO 7241-1:1987 Hydraulic fluid power - Quick-action couplings - Part 1: Dimensions and requirements with ISO 7241:2014 Hydraulic fluid power - Dimensions and requirements of quick-action couplings. Any reference to ISO 7241-1:1987 in the printed portion of ISO 5675:2008 shall be replaced by ISO 7241:2014. 0.4 This standard has been approved as an American National standard by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). The original content of ISO 5675:2008 was based on ANSI/ASAE 366.2. 0.5 This standard deviates from ISO 5675:2008 as follows: (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)
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