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Application of TRIZ theory in agricultural equipment manufacturing

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting  162460022.(doi:10.13031/aim.20162460022)
Authors:   Yongk Fan, Guanghui Wang, Zhongxiang Zhu, Changbin He
Keywords:    aerial application, agriculture automation, agriculture.

Abstract. The invention solves the problem of conflict between the concept and the classification theory of TRIZ, analyses the technical conflict 39 standard parameters, 40 inventive principle, conflict solving matrix and substance field analysis theory, solving algorithm and standard solution evolution of technical systems, resource analysis, inventive problems and invention, and the use of TRIZ the theory of various defoliation machine this kind of agricultural machinery and equipment products for specific research, and gives out a new method of rapid creative design, thus invented the wormwood leaf machine drag.

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