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Soil and Water Terminology

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE S526.4   September  2015

Keywords: Definitions, Drainage, Erosion, Irrigation, Soil, Terminology

1 Purpose and Scope

1 This Standard establishes preferred terminology for use in soil and water engineering and defines terms which may not have soil and water related definitions in a desk-top dictionary.

2 Preferred terms and definitions are intended for use in all standards, technical journals, magazines, textbooks, and extension bulletins pertaining to soil and water engineering. Some of the terms are used in other agricultural engineering specialties and may be defined differently in other standards pertaining to that specialty.

3 Soil terms are from Glossary of Soil Science Terms, July 1987, Soil Science Society of America, used by its permission.

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