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Safety for Powered Lawn and Garden Equipment

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE S440.3   March  2005

ASAE S440 is available as a Historical document and may be purchased by contacting the ASABE Order Department at 1-800-695-2723 or .

ASAE S440.3 MAR2005, Safety for Powered Lawn and Garden Equipment, has been withdrawn. The requirements in ASAE S440.3 did not differ significantly from the requirements in other standards. Such documents include ANSI/OPEI B71.1, American National Standard for Consumer Turf Care Equipment - Pedestrian-Controlled Mowers and Ride-On Mowers - Safety Specifications; ANSI/OPEI B71.4, American National Standard for Commercial Turf Care Equipment - Safety Specifications; and other ANSI/OPEI standards for garden tillers, snow blowers, leaf shredders, log splitters, and similar powered equipment. The ASABE document had become redundant. Outdoor power equipment manufacturers in North America apply the ANSI/OPEI B71.1 and B71.4 standards to their mowing products as the primary product safety standard. In Europe, the European Norm EN836, Garden equipment - Powered lawnmowers - Safety, is applied.

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