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Changes in water footprint of beef cattle production in Southern Great Plains under changing climate

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  ASABE 1st Climate Change Symposium: Adaptation and Mitigation Conference Proceedings  152143025.(doi:10.13031/cc.20152143025)
Authors:   Narayanan Kannan, Aavudai Anandhi, Edward Osei, Ali Saleh
Keywords:   Climate change

Extended Abstract.

About 50% of total beef cattle and calf production of United States occurs in the five States of Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and California. Out of the five states, Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma are in the Southern Great Plains (SGP). The beef animal production in SGP is vulnerable for climate change. Water is used during various stages of beef animal production. Warming temperatures and changes in precipitation have affected and will likely continue to affect water availability. Therefore, a study is initiated to analyze the sustainability of beef cattle production under changing climate in SGP. The goals of the study are to develop a complete Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of beef cattle production under a changing climate using a scenario-based approach in SGP. Then the changes in water footprint of beef cattle production for the various scenarios will be compared. Our results would help producers and researchers develop sustainable and eco-friendly production systems. Stresses to animal feed production, animal production, additional water requirement for dilution of manure and slaughterhouse wastewater will be analyzed under climate change conditions. Most recent results obtained from the study are presented.

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