Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. DiversionsPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan ASAE ASABE EP492.1 April 2014Keywords: Channel, Diversion, Waterway 1 Purpose and Scope 1.1 A diversion consists of a channel constructed across the slope with a supporting ridge on the downhill side. This standard is intended to guide engineers and technicians in the planning, design, layout, construction, and maintenance of diversions. 1.2 Diversions are used for one or more of the following purposes to: Divert water away from active gullies or critically eroding areas. Supplement water management on conservation cropping or strip cropping systems. Break up concentrations of water on long, gentle slopes and on undulating or warped land surfaces that are generally considered too flat or irregular for terracing. Divert water away from farmsteads, agricultural waste systems, and other improvements. Collect or direct water for water-spreading or water harvesting systems. Protect terrace systems by diverting water from the top terrace where topography, land use, or landownership prevents terracing the land above. Intercept surface and shallow subsurface flow. Protect flat lands from upland runoff and overland flow from adjacent areas. Control runoff and erosion on urban or developing areas, construction sites, and surface mine sites. Act as a grass filter for reducing sediment in runoff waters when vegetated. A diversion may be used to divert excess water from an agricultural site, an urban or developing site, or a construction or mining site. A diversion may also be used to divert uncontaminated water away from a source of contamination in order to maintain water quality as part of a pollution abatement system. 1.3 This standard applies where concentrated surface flow, non-concentrated surface flow, or shallow subsurface flow is a problem, can be intercepted by a shallow channel and a suitable outlet exists. Soil and site conditions must be suitable to build earth channels and earth ridges and sediment accumulations must be manageable. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)
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